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Server-side development with Swift

Server-side development with Swift

Presenting a basic introduction for server side development using one of the most popular web frameworks available now : Vapor.

Jose Torres Cardenas

November 22, 2016

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  1. HISTORY Swift 2.2 was made Open Source Software on Dec

    3 2015 “One of the most exciting aspects of developing Swift in the open is knowing that it is now free to be ported across a wide range of platforms, devices, and use cases” https://swift.org
  2. STRUCTURE PROJECT . ├── Sources │ └── App │ └──

    Controllers │ └── Middleware │ └── Models │ └── main.swift ├── Public ├── Resources │ └── Views └── Package.swift
  3. Requirements : Xcode 8+ with Swift 3+ Vapor toolbox :

    Install curl -sL toolbox.vapor.sh | bash ENVIRONMENT SETUP
  4. ?