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Postgres What they really use

Postgres What they really use

Some insight into what features and functionality people actually use within their database.

Craig Kerstiens

November 01, 2013

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  1. Postgres - TLDR Datatypes Conditional Indexes Transactional DDL Foreign Data

    Wrappers Concurrent Index Creation Extensions Common Table Expressions Fast Column Addition Listen/Notify Table Inheritance Per Transaction sync replication Window functions NoSQL inside SQL Momentum
  2. extension adoption hstore 11.5% pg_stat_statements 3.5% postgis 3% uuid-ossp 3%

    pg_trgm 3% unaccent 1.5% fuzzystrmatch 1.5% dblink 1.5% cube 1% pg_crypto 1% earthdistance 1% tablefunc 0.75% citext 0.5%
  3. 17% at least 1 of those 22% have 2 8%

    have 3 2.5% have 4 .7% have 5 .2% have 11
  4. PLV8 CREATE FUNCTION js_filter(js_function text, json_arguments text, data json) RETURNS

    numeric as $$ var func = eval(js_function); var args = eval(json_arguments); var final_args = [data].concat(args); var result = func.apply(null, final_args); return 0 < result ? 1 : 0; $$ LANGUAGE plv8 IMMUTABLE STRICT;
  5. PLV8 SELECT json_obj FROM some_table_with_json_obj_column WHERE js_filter( 'function (json, age)

    {return json.age < age; }', '21', data.json_obj ) = 1; https://github.com/webnuts/full-throttle-postgres
  6. 99.9% have an index 28% have gin 13% have gist

    92% have unique 8% have conditional
  7. 23% over 1000 rows 13% over 10000 rows 5% over

    100000 rows 1.5% over 1 million rows 2% over 100 million rows
  8. command usage index_usage 25.5% locks 19.0% cache_hit 18.0% blocking 7.5%

    index_size 7.5% outliers 5.5% vacuum_stats 4.0% bloat 4.0% total_index_size 3.0% unused_indexes 2.0%
  9. 1. What do I need to pay attention to? 2.

    How do I setup replication? 3. What editors are available? 4. How do I understand performance? 5. How can I use the cool stuff in my app? Top 5