it requires a lot of preparation. Another limitation is the problem of designing suitable material that takes account of student's different skill levels.
integrating the four skills has its limitations, by creating a balance is reinforced both individually and integrated which means that you are working at the level of realistic communication.
to a song), speak (pronunciation practice, greetings), read (written grammar drills, cards for playing games, flashcards) and write (fill-in-the-blank sheets, sentences that describe a feeling, sight or experience).
2009, “ .” Four Skills, of Bilash/fourskills.html. “Unit 13 Integrated Skills. Teaching Objectives By the End of the Lesson, Students Should Be Able to: Know How to Integrate the Four Skills Know the. - Ppt Download.” SlidePlayer, Bilsborough, Katherine, and Sara Carvalho says: “More Activities for Teaching the Four Skills in Every Young Learner Lesson.” National Geographic Learning: In Focus, 12 Dec. 2017,