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Integrating Ember into existing sites

February 13, 2014

Integrating Ember into existing sites

Ember is targeting itself at bring a framework got building JS only web apps. At its core though, Ember has a great object model that can be used even when the whole site is not built using Ember.

I'll walk through a site (http://endlessrotation.com) which isn't a good fit to be a JS only web app, and show how Ember can be used to build just the bits that make sense.


February 13, 2014

More Decks by crofty

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 1 {{track-player track=controllers.track}} 1 App.TrackPlayerComponent = Ember.Component.extend 2 setupPlayer: (

    -> 3 player = new YT.Player @get('element') 4 @set('player', player) 5 ).on('didInsertElement') 6 7 playVideo: ( -> 8 @get('player').loadVideoById @get('track.videoId') 9 ).observes('track.videoId') 10 11 App.TrackController = Ember.ObjectController.extend()
  2. 1 App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend 2 actions: 3 playTrack: (track) ->

    4 @controllerFor('track').set('content', track) 5 1 <ul> 2 {{#each track in controllers.tracks}} 3 <li> 4 <a {{action playTrack track}}> ▶ </a> 5 {{track.title}} 6 </li> 7 {{/each}} 8 </ul>
  3. 1 $('body').on 'click', 'a.play', (e) -> 2 $link = $(this)

    3 artist = $link.data('artist') 4 title = $link.data('title') 5 videoId = # Search YouTube for the video 6 7 track = Ember.Object.create 8 artist: artist 9 title: title 10 videoId: videoId 11 12 # Get the track into the application 1 <li> 2 <a class="play" data-artist="Andhim" data-title="Reeves"> ▶ </a> 3 Andhim - Reeves 4 </li>
  4. 1 $('body').on 'click', 'a.play', (e) -> 2 $link = $(this)

    3 artist = $link.data('artist') 4 title = $link.data('title') 5 videoId = # Search YouTube for the video 6 7 track = Ember.Object.create 8 artist: artist 9 title: title 10 videoId: videoId 11 12 trackController = App.__container__.lookup('controller:track') 13 trackController.set('content', track) 1 <li> 2 <a class="play" data-artist="Andhim" data-title="Reeves"> ▶ </a> 3 Andhim - Reeves 4 </li>
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 $('body').on 'click', 'a.play', (e)

    -> 7 $link = $(this) 8 artist = $link.data('artist') 9 title = $link.data('title') 10 videoId = # Search YouTube for the video 11 12 track = Ember.Object.create 13 artist: artist 14 title: title 15 videoId: videoId 16 17
  6. 1 App.initializer 2 name: "setup-play-link-handler", 3 initialize: (container, application) ->

    4 trackController = container.lookup('controller:track') 5 6 $('body').on 'click', 'a.play', (e) -> 7 $link = $(this) 8 artist = $link.data('artist') 9 title = $link.data('title') 10 videoId = # Search YouTube for the video 11 12 track = Ember.Object.create 13 artist: artist 14 title: title 15 videoId: videoId 16 17 trackController.set('content', track)