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AltConf 2017 - Creating an app for a presidential election

AltConf 2017 - Creating an app for a presidential election

Slides of my talk I gave @ AltConf 2017 in San Jose CA, California about how I've made an app for a presidential election (France, May 2017)

Clément Sauvage

June 08, 2017

More Decks by Clément Sauvage

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  1. /

  2. 0

  3. "

  4. Building an app for a presidential election 1. The origin

    of the app 2. Crafting the app 3. What I learnt
  5. Building an app for a presidential election 1. The origin

    of the app 2. Crafting the app 3. What I learnt
  6. Building an app for a presidential election 1. The origin

    of the app 2. Crafting the app 3. What I learnt
  7. Building an app for a presidential election #Network github "Alamofire/Alamofire"

    ~> 4.4 github "Alamofire/AlamofireImage" ~> 3.1 #Mappers github "Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper" ~> 2.2 github "tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper" ~> 4.0
  8. Building an app for a presidential election # Push Notifications

    github "OneSignal/OneSignal-iOS-SDK" ~> 2.4.3 #UI github "hyperoslo/Whisper" github "PiXeL16/RevealingSplashView" #VideoPlayer github "BrikerMan/BMPlayer" ~> 0.8.3
  9. export default class Media {
 constructor(facebookId, title, streamSource, thumbnail,

    facebookLink, origin, dateAdded){
 this.title = title;
 this.shortTitle = shortTitle(title);
 this.facebookId = facebookId;
 this.origin= origin;
 this.isDiplayed= true;
 this.streamSource= streamSource;
 this.thumbnail= thumbnail;
 /* Landscape, Portrait, Squared */
 this.format= "landscape";
 this.dateAdded= new Date(dateAdded);
 this.dateModified= new Date();
 this.facebookShare = linkModel(title, this.facebookLink);
 this.facebookShare = linkModel(title, this.facebookLink);
 this.facebookLink = `https://facebook.com${facebookLink}`;
 this.twitterLink= linkModel(title, this.facebookLink, true);
 this.messageLink= linkModel(title, this.facebookLink);
 this.shareLink= linkModel(title, this.facebookLink);
 } Building an app for a presidential election
  10. Building an app for a presidential election 1. The origin

    of the app 2. Crafting the app 3. What I learnt
  11. Building an app for a presidential election 3 Thanks you

    for listening clementsauvage @ .me Website Twitter & Medium hello Mail