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Podcasting With WordPress: Getting Started & Best Practices

Podcasting With WordPress: Getting Started & Best Practices

Have you ever wanted to start a podcast? Did you think that it was going to be too hard for you to start? Did you think that you would need a ton of specialized equipment and know-how to get things up and running? If you tried to do this years ago, yes, you did. But today, with nothing but a computer, an internet connection, and an installation of WordPress – you can set up, record and publish your own podcast in a day. Will cover the installation of WordPress and related plugins and feed configuration for iTunes along with best practices for audio file exporting and the use of YouTube for video podcasts.

Carolyn S.

June 30, 2013

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  1. w i t h W o r d P r

    e s s G e t t i n g S t a r t e d & B e s t P r a c t i c e s PODCASTING
  2. Podcasting with WordPress Setting up your own podcast website and

    iTunes feed using WordPress + plugins. Best practices in recording and exporting audio files.
  3. Podcasting with WordPress Setting up your own podcast website and

    iTunes feed using WordPress + plugins. Best practices in recording and exporting audio files. Getting your voice heard.
  4. Podcasting with WordPress Setting up your own podcast website and

    iTunes feed using WordPress + plugins. Best practices in recording and exporting audio files. Getting your voice heard. Demo! Everyone loves a demo!
  5. hosting Hardware Software Sound Card Windows Mixer Microphones Recording Editing

    Website Audio Files Caching Services Feed Services Back in My Day
  6. hosting Wordpress Hardware Software Sound Card Windows Mixer Microphones Recording

    Editing Website Audio Files Caching Services Feed Services Five Minute Install NO plugins! :-( Back in My Day
  7. Every device has a connection to the internet. The internet

    makes it simple to share content. Every device has a microphone. Now?
  8. ( a n d p l u g i n

  9. Audacity Adobe Audition Windows Audacity Garage Band Mac Garage Band

    (iOS) Mobile Podcaster (iOS) bossjock studio (iOS) iRig Recorder (Android) Rehearsal Assistant (Android) Mobile/Tablet REcording
  10. Recording Record to .wav, export to .mp3 Export at a

    continual 64kbps & joint stereo Upload to WordPress via FTP or through the Media Library
  11. Recording Record to .wav, export to .mp3 Export at a

    continual 64kbps & joint stereo Upload to WordPress via FTP or through the Media Library Once you publish, submit feed to iTunes for approval
  12. Video YouTube to host your video files. Use WordPress as

    your website/social media promotional tool using YouTube auto-embed shortcodes to add your video into your posts.
  13. E x p e c t i n g m

    o r e ? WERE YOU