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Accessible Formats for People with Print Disabi...

Accessible Formats for People with Print Disabilities in Canada: A Short Overview on Access

A general overview of accessible formats in Canada with focus on the access of books and other materials in accessible formats by people with print disabilities.

Cynthia "Arty" Ng

July 14, 2014

More Decks by Cynthia "Arty" Ng

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  1. Definition perceptual disability means a disability that prevents or inhibits

    a person from reading or hearing a [...] work in its original format, and includes such a disability resulting from (a) severe or total impairment of sight or hearing or the inability to focus or move one’s eyes, (b) the inability to hold or manipulate a book, or (c) an impairment relating to comprehension; Source: Copyright Act of Canada
  2. Formats • Braille • large print • electronic text •

    eBook (ePub, PDF) • audio (audiobook, Spoken Word) • DAISY digital talking book
  3. Access to Materials • Public Library • CNIB • Bookshare

    • Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) • Copyright Allowance