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Scrum@Scaleの理論と実装 / RSGT2022

Scrum@Scaleの理論と実装 / RSGT2022

Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2022 Room C 14:00-14:45

KASUYA, Daisuke

January 05, 2022

More Decks by KASUYA, Daisuke

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  1. 4DSVN!4DBMFͱ͸ʁ w εΫϥϜͷڞಉߟҊऀͷਓͰ͋Δ+F ff 4VUIFSMBOEത࢜Λத৺ʹཱ֬ w ෳ਺ͷεΫϥϜνʔϜʹΑΔϑϥΫλϧߏ଄ w ࣮༻࠷খݶͷ׭྅ػߏ w

    )PXͱ8IBUͦΕͧΕͷऔΓ૊Έ͕ఆٛ͞Ε͍ͯΔʢεΫϥϜϚελʔαΠΫ ϧͱϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔαΠΫϧʣ w ݸਓతʹ͸ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔͷ׆ಈʹ͍ͭͯͷఆ͕ٛ͋Δͷ͕ؾʹೖ͍ͬͯ ·͢
  2. ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔαΠΫϧ w νʔϜϓϩηε w ϝτϦΫεͱಁ໌ੑ w ϓϩμΫτϦϦʔεͱϑΟʔυόοΫαΠΫϧ w ઓུతϏδϣϯ w

    όοΫϩάͷ༏ઌॱҐ෇͚ w όοΫϩάͷ෼ׂͱϦϑΝΠϯϝϯτ w ϦϦʔεϓϥϯχϯά w ΤάθΫςΟϒϝλεΫϥϜ
  3. νʔϜϓϩηε w εΫϥϜΨΠυͰنఆ͞Ε͍ͯΔεΫϥϜΛߦ͏͜ͱ w εΫϥϜϚελʔαΠΫϧͱϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔαΠΫϧͷ࠷ॳͷަࠩ఺ w νʔϜϓϩηεͷΰʔϧ w ׬੒ͷఆٛΛຬͨ͢࡞ۀͷϑϩʔΛ࠷େԽ͢Δ w

    νʔϜͷύϑΥʔϚϯεΛ࣌ؒͷܦաͱͱ΋ʹ޲্ͤ͞Δ w ࣋ଓՄೳͰɺνʔϜΛΑΓ๛͔ʹ͢Δํ๏ͰӡӦ͢Δ w ސ٬ϑΟʔυόοΫϧʔϓΛՃ଎ͤ͞Δ
  4. &YFDVUJWF"DUJPO5FBN &"5 w εΫϥϜϚελʔαΠΫϧʹ͓͚Δ࠷্Ґͷܾఆػؔ w εΫϥϜΦϒεΫϥϜͰ͸औΓআ͚ͳ͍ো֐ΛऔΓআͨ͘ΊʹඞཁͳݖݶΛ΋ͬͨ ϝϯόʔ͕ࢀը͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ w $&0 $50

    ਓࣄͷ੹೚ऀ ܾࡋݖऀͳͲ w ϝϯόʔͷબఆ৚݅͸ɺʮϓϩμΫτͷ࠷ऴతͳ͢΂ͯΛ&"5ͰղܾͰ͖Δ͜ͱʯ w &"5ͷू·ΓͰʮ͋ɻͦΕ͸˓˓͞Μʹฉ͔ͳ͍ͱʯͱͳΕ͹ɺ˓˓͞ΜΜΛ &"5ʹೖΕΔ΂͖ w ΤάθΫςΟϒͳϝϯόʔΛεΫϥϜͷϑϩʔͷதʹ૊ΈࠐΉ
  5. ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔαΠΫϧ w νʔϜϓϩηε w ϝτϦΫεͱಁ໌ੑ w ϓϩμΫτϦϦʔεͱϑΟʔυόοΫαΠΫϧ w ઓུతϏδϣϯ w

    όοΫϩάͷ༏ઌॱҐ෇͚ w όοΫϩάͷ෼ׂͱϦϑΝΠϯϝϯτ w ϦϦʔεϓϥϯχϯά w ΤάθΫςΟϒϝλεΫϥϜ
  6. νʔϑϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ $10 w ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔνʔϜͱҰॹʹ༏ઌॱҐΛௐ੔͢Δ w $10͸ɺ͜ͷ໾ׂΛ݉೚͢ΔݸผνʔϜͷϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔͰ͋Δ৔߹΋ ͋Ε͹ɺ͜ͷ໾ׂʹઐ೚ͨ͠ݸਓͷ৔߹΋͋Δ w ϓϩμΫτશମͷઓུతϏδϣϯΛઃఆ͢Δ w

    શνʔϜʹ഑෍͞ΕΔɺ༏ઌॱҐ෇͚͞Εͨ୯ҰͷόοΫϩάΛ࡞੒͢Δ w ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔνʔϜ͕ଌఆ͢ΔϝτϦΫεΛܾఆ͢Δ w ސ٬͔ΒͷϓϩμΫτͷϑΟʔυόοΫΛධՁ͠ɺͦΕʹԠͯ͡ڞ௨όοΫϩ άΛௐ੔͢Δ
  7. QRC Team Topologies Based on Team Topologies, QRC by Henny

    Portman, May 2020 Stream-Aligned Team Enabling Team Platform team Stream-Aligned Team Complicated- Subsystem Team Interaction mode: X-as-a-Service Interaction mode: X-as-a-Service Interaction mode: Facilitating Interaction mode: Collaborating Primary interaction modes for the 4 fundamental team topologies: Collaboration: working closely together with another team X-as-a Service: consuming or providing something with minimal collaboration Facilitating: helping (or being helped by) another team to clear impediments Evolution of team topologies Discover Establish Use Stream-Aligned Team: a team aligned to the main flow of business change, with cross-functional skills mix and the ability to deliver significant increments without waiting on another team. Platform team: a team that works on the underlying platform supporting stream-aligned teams in delivery. The platform simplifies otherwise complex technology and reduces cognitive load for teams that use it. Enabling team: a team that assists other teams in adopting and modifying software as part of a transition or learning period. Complicated-Subsystem Team: a team with a special remit for a subsystem that is too complicated to be dealt with by a normal stream-aligned team or platform team. Optional and only used when really necessary. Conway’s law: “Organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” Cognitive load: “The total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory.” Restrict team responsibilities to match the maximum team cognitive load. • Intrinsic cognitive load – relates to aspects of the task fundamental to the problem space • Extraneous cognitive load – relates to the environment in which the task is being done • Germane cognitive load – relates to aspects of the task that need special attention for learning or high performance Scaling teams: Organizational groupings should follow Dunbar’s number, beginning with around 5- 8 people, then increasing to around 15 people, then 50, then 150, then 500, and so on. Brook’s law: “Adding new people to a team doesn’t immediately increase its capacity.: Live Rapid feedback Team first approach: start with the team for effective software delivery. There are multiple aspects to consider and nurture: team size, team lifespan, team relationships, and team cognition. Organizational sensing: expect to adapt and evolve your organization structure. ίϯ΢ΣΠͷ๏ଇ: “γεςϜΛઃܭ͢Δ૊৫͸… ͦͷ ૊৫ͷίϛϡχέʔγϣϯߏ଄Λίϐʔͨ͠ߏ଄ͷઃ ܭΛੜΈग़͢͜ͱʹͳΔ” νʔϜϑΝʔετͷऔΓ૊Έ: ιϑτ΢ΣΞσϦόϦʔͷ ޮՌΛߴΊΔͨΊͷνʔϜ͔Β࢝ΊΔɻצҊ͢΂͖؍఺͸ ෳ਺͋Δ: νʔϜαΠζɺଘଓظؒɺؔ܎ੑɺೝ஌ෛՙ ૊৫తηϯγϯά(Organizational Sensing): ૊৫ߏ଄ΛదԠɾൃలͤ͞ Δ͜ͱΛ໨࿦Ή νʔϜͷεέʔϧ: ૊৫ߏ଄ͷάϧʔϐϯά͸μϯόʔ਺ʹै ͏ɻ·ͣ͸5-8໊͔Β࢝ΊΔɻ࣍ʹ15໊ఔ౓ɺͦΕ͔Β50 ໊ɺ150໊ɺ500໊ɺͱ͢Δ ϒϧοΫεͷ๏ଇ: “ਓһΛ௥Ճͯ͠΋ɺνʔϜͷΩϟύγςΟ͸ ͙͢ʹ૿Ճ͢ΔΘ͚Ͱ͸ͳ͍” ετϦʔϜΞϥΠϯυνʔϜ: Ϗδ ωεతมߋͷओཁͳʮྲྀΕ(Flow)ʯ ʹ޲͚ͯฤ੒͞ΕΔνʔϜɻ৬ೳ ԣஅεΩϧͷ༥߹ମͰ͋ΔͨΊɺ ଞνʔϜͷ࡞ۀΛ଴ͭ͜ͱͳ͘ҙ ٛͷ͋ΔΠϯΫϦϝϯτΛσϦό ϦʔͰ͖Δೳྗ͕උΘ͍ͬͯΔ ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜνʔϜ: ετϦʔϜΞϥΠϯυ νʔϜͷσϦόϦʔΛαϙʔτ͢Δج൫ͱͳΔϓ ϥοτϑΥʔϜΛ࢓ࣄͷྖҬͱ͢ΔνʔϜɻϓϥο τϑΥʔϜ͸ෳࡶͳٕज़Λγϯϓϧʹ͢Δ͜ͱͰɺ ͦΕΛར༻͢ΔνʔϜͷೝ஌ෛՙΛܰݮ͢Δ ίϯϓϦέΠςΟουɾαϒγεςϜνʔϜ: ෳ ࡶ͗ͯ͢௨ৗͷετϦʔϜΞϥΠϯυνʔϜ΍ϓ ϥοτϑΥʔϜνʔϜͰ͸ରॲͰ͖ͳ͍αϒγε ςϜʹಛԽͯ͠औΓ૊ΉνʔϜɻຊ౰ʹඞཁͳ৔ ߹ɺͦΕ͕࠷ળͰ͋Δ৔߹ʹͷΈฤ੒͞ΕΔ ΠωΠϒϦϯάνʔϜ: Ҡߦ΍ֶशظؒͷҰ؀ͱ ͯ͠ɺଞͷνʔϜ͕ιϑτ΢ΣΞΛ࠾༻͢Δ͜ͱ΍ มߋ͢Δ͜ͱΛΞγετ͢ΔνʔϜ ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯϞʔυ: ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯϞʔυ: ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯϞʔυ: ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯϞʔυ: ຊ൪ ਝ଎ͳ ϑΟʔυόοΫ νʔϜτϙϩδʔͷൃల ൃݟ ཱ֬ ར༻ ೝ஌ෛՙ: “ϫʔΩϯάϝϞϦʹׂΓ౰ͯΒΕΔϝϯλϧ ΤϑΥʔτͷ૯ྔ”ɻνʔϜͷ੹຿͸νʔϜͷೝ஌ෛՙͷ ্ݶ੍͕໿ͱͳΔɻ ɾ಺ࡏੑ(intrinsic)ೝ஌ෛՙ ʔ ໰୊ྖҬͷຊ࣭ʹؔ࿈͢Δ λεΫʹ·ͭΘΔෛՙ ɾ֎ࡏੑ(extraneous)ೝ஌ෛՙ ʔ औΓ૊ΉλεΫͷ؀ڥ ʹ·ͭΘΔෛՙ ɾద੾ͳ(germane)ೝ஌ෛՙ ʔ ֶश΍ϋΠύϑΥʔϚϯ εΛൃش͢ΔͨΊʹऔΓΘ͚஫ҙྗΛཁ͢ΔλεΫʹ·ͭ ΘΔෛՙ جૅͱͳΔνʔϜτϙϩδʔ(4छྨ)ͷؒͷΠϯ λϥΫγϣϯϞʔυ: ίϥϘϨʔγϣϯ: ଞͷνʔϜͱີ઀ʹ࿈ܞ͢ Δ X-as-a Servie: ࠷খݶͷίϥϘϨʔγϣϯͰ ʮԿ͔ʯΛఏڙ/ར༻͢Δ ϑΝγϦςΠςΟϯά: ๦֐෺ΛऔΓআͨ͘Ί ʹଞͷνʔϜΛԉॿ͢Δ(ԉॿ͞ΕΔ) νʔϜ τϙϩδʔ Quick Reference Card Japanese translation by @kakutani, Oct 2021 - v1.0.1 IUUQTTDSBQCPYJPJLJJLJ23$@5FBN@5PQPMPHJFTKB
  8. ݱࡏͷମ੍  ֤νʔϜͷεΫϥϜΠϕϯτͷ࣮ࢪ͸ɺ֤νʔ Ϝʹࡋྔ͕͋Δ  ͨͩ͠ɺ৘ใͷྲྀΕΛεϜʔζʹ͢ΔͨΊɺҎ Լͷ੍໿Λઃ͚͍ͯΔ  σΠϦʔεΫϥϜ͸Ұؾ௨؏ʹྲྀΕΔ͜ͱ 

    िؒͷλΠϜϘοΫε ਫ༵Ր༵ ͸͋Θ ͤΔ͜ͱ " $νʔϜ͸Ր༵ʹϨϏϡʔ ;Γ ͔͑Γɺਫ༵ϓϥϯχϯά 
 #νʔϜ͸ਫ༵ʹϨϏϡʔ͔Βϓϥϯχϯά ·Ͱ٧ΊࠐΜͰ͍Δ 
 ͜ͷΑ͏ʹνʔϜʹΑ੍ͬͯ໿ͷൣғ಺Ͱ ΞϨϯδ͕͋Δ
  9. ਪҠ ϓϩδΣΫτͷείʔϓௐ੔Λ࣮ࢪ 9νʔϜ 6*69 ͕͍ͬͨΜٳࢭ #νʔϜͷೝ஌ෛՙܰݮͷͨΊʹαϙʔςΟϒ ͳ෦෼ΛผνʔϜԽ 

    ౰ॳ͸ϓϩμΫτͱͯ͠ͷํ ਑ܾఆΛظ଴͕ͨ͠ɺΞʔΩςΫ νϟҠߦϓϩδΣΫτͷੑ্࣭͜͜ʹ͋ ͭ·Δ՝୊͕)PXʹภΔɻ 

    ຊεϥΠυʮ4DSVN!4DBMFͷղઆʯύʔτͰ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ 4DSVN!4DBMFʹؔ͢Δਤ͸͢΂ͯͪ͜ΒͷΨΠυͷ΋ͷΛ࢖༻ $$#: 4"