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Trunk Based Development

Trunk Based Development

Talk presented at Dev Talks, a weekly event for development team at Involves.

David Tiago Conceição

April 16, 2020

More Decks by David Tiago Conceição

Other Decks in Programming


  1. SVN

  2. SVN

  3. git

  4. 1. Small tasks 2. Pair/Mob programming 3. TDD 4. Automation

    5. Continuous Integration 6. Continuous Deploy 7. Staged Releases 8. Modules 9. Microservices 10. Branch by abstraction 11. Feature flags 12. Mono repo 13. ... Tools and Techniques
  5. Support tools 1. Small tasks 2. Pair/Mob programming 3. TDD

    4. Automation 5. Continuous Integration 6. Continuous Deploy 7. Staged Releases 8. Modules 9. Microservices 10. Branch by abstraction 11. Feature flags 12. Mono repo 13. ... Real Life TBD
  6. Support tools 1. Small tasks 2. Pair/Mob programming 3. TDD

    4. Automation 5. Continuous Integration 6. Continuous Deploy 7. Staged Releases 8. Modules 9. Microservices 10. Branch by abstraction 11. Feature flags 12. Mono repo 13. ... Real Life TBD
  7. Can I merge? How to split a task? How to

    merge fast(er) ? How to test? How to gather feedbacks? Many Questions
  8. How to know more? 1. Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on

    git: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 2. A successful Git branching model: https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ 3. A Branching Strategy Simpler than GitFlow: Three-Flow: https://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2017/04/09/a-different-branching-strategy/ 4. How Chromium Works: https://medium.com/@aboodman/in-march-2011-i-drafted-an-article-explaining-how-the-te am-responsible-for-google-chrome-ships-c479ba623a1b 5. Trunk Based Development: https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/ 6. Game Changers: https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/game-changers/ 7. GitFlow considered harmful: https://www.endoflineblog.com/gitflow-considered-harmful 8. Remote feature flags do not always come for free: https://proandroiddev.com/remote-feature-flags-do-not-always-come-for-free-a372f1768a7 0 9. BranchByAbstraction: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/BranchByAbstraction.html