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The 4th meetup of Kansai-Lisp-Users-Group

February 03, 2018

The 4th meetup of Kansai-Lisp-Users-Group

First/Last instructions at the 4th meetup of Kansai-Lisp-Users-Group


February 03, 2018

More Decks by tomabu

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  1. Today`s Schedule The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group

    13:20-14:15  参加者自己紹介(各自5分程度) 14:15-15:00  tomabu (僕) 15:00-15:15  休憩(フリートーク) 15:15-15:45  tomabu (僕) 15:45-16:00  休憩(フリートーク) 16:00-16:30  tomabu (僕) 16:30-16:40  閉会・第5回について
  2. 関西Lispユーザ会 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group ୈճϢʔβձˏژ౎

    ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ,0'ˏେࡕೆߓ 04$େࡕˏେࡕ࢈ۀ૑଄ؗ ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄ʙ೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔
  3. Contact The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group https://kansai-lisp-users.herokuapp.com/

    Homepage https://kansai-lisp-users.github.io/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/ 1425860504132972/?ref=bookmarks Slack Twitter https://twitter.com/kansailispusers
  4. 参加者 自己紹介 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group

    -JTQϢʔβಉ࢜Ͱ਌ަΛਂΊΔ ͲΜͳਓ͕ࢀՃ͍ͯ͠Δʁ ʙ෼લޙਓ
  5. 参加者 自己紹介 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group

    ྫ͑͹ɽɽɽ ʙ෼લޙਓ ˔ ໊લʢϢʔβ໊ʣ ˔ ԿΛ͍ͯ͠Δਓ͔ʁ ˔ ීஈ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ1(ݴޠ ˔ -JTQྺɾ޷͖ͳ-JTQํݴ ˔ Ͳ͜ͰϢʔβձΛ஌͔ͬͨ ˔ ϢʔβձʹԿΛظ଴͖͍ͯͯ͠Δ͔ ˔ -JTQʢ͓ΑͼͦͷଞͷʣϓϩμΫτ ˔ ΤσΟλɼ04ɼɽɽɽ
  6. 興味 Common Lisp PHP Java Prolog Elixir The 4th Conference

    of Kansai Lisp Users Group Debian Emacs Firefox マンガ/アニメ オントロジー . . . etc
  7. 参加者 自己紹介 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group

    ʙ෼લޙਓ ˔ ໊લʢϢʔβ໊ʣ ˔ ීஈ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ1(ݴޠ ˔ -JTQྺɾ޷͖ͳ-JTQํݴ ˔ Ͳ͜ͰϢʔβձΛ஌͔ͬͨ ˔ ϢʔβձʹԿΛظ଴͖͍ͯͯ͠Δ͔ ˔ Կ౓໨ͷࢀՃ͔ ˔ -JTQʢ͓ΑͼͦͷଞͷʣϓϩμΫτ ͳͲͳͲɽɽɽ
  8. 懇親会への参加 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group ࠓճ͸ૣΊʹऴΘΓͦ͏ͳͷͰ

    ࠙਌ձͱ͍͏͔ҿΈձΛ͠Α͏ͱࢥ͍·͢ ࢀՃऀ͕ଟ͚Ε͹༧໿ΛऔΓ·͢
  9. 関西Lispユーザ会 The 4th Conference of Kansai Lisp Users Group ୈճϢʔβձˏژ౎

    ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ,0'ˏେࡕೆߓ 04$େࡕˏେࡕ࢈ۀ૑଄ؗ ୈճϢʔβձˏάϥϯϑϩϯτେࡕ ୈճϢʔβձˏΠϝσΟΦେࡕೆߓ 04$ژ౎ˏژ౎ϦαʔνύʔΫ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄ʙ೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔ ೥݄೔