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Platform Engineering at Viva Engage

Platform Engineering at Viva Engage

The complexity of managing platform engineering teams is unlike any other.
These teams are often the backbone, enabling multiple feature teams to produce their best work.
How can platform teams scale this capability efficiently? How can they be effective while constantly juggling multiple priorities, ensuring you are not becoming a bottleneck and still making space for continuous improvement?

In this deck, I shared stories from our platform team journey, what worked and what didn't, and the valuable insights gained while scaling our ability to enable multiple feature teams.
Also included strategies to achieve quicker turnarounds, how to circumvent becoming the roadblock, mitigate the scattering of platform engineers, and harness the power of systematic office hours, principle-based guidance, and a self-sustaining knowledge hub.

Diego Quiroga

October 17, 2023

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  1. Platform Engineering at Viva Engage (Yammer) Diego Quiroga Principal Software

    Engineering Manager at Microsoft Stage C Ask questions using Slido November 7-8, 2023 - San Francisco
  2. diego.quiroga@gmail.com @diegoquiroga linkedin.com/in/diego Diego Quiroga Cut my programming teeth on

    a TK90X (ZX Spectrum clone) 20+ years building things that talk HTTP(s) Platform Engineering at Viva Engage (Yammer) in Microsoft Based in Vancouver, Canada Previously: AWS, OLX, Google
  3. Platform teams provide knowledge, support, and the building blocks that

    feature teams use to ship business-facing functionality at a faster pace
  4. The mission of the platform team, should you choose to

    accept it, is enabling product teams to get things done
  5. Product Team Infra Product Team Product Team DevExp Product Team

    Core X The mission of platform teams is enabling product teams to get things done
  6. Platform Teams • Must anticipate engineering needs • Multitask between

    projects & support • Work for engineering teams • Hold a less tangible value proposition • Have a larger blast radius in decisions • Satisfy customer needs • Deliver under time/capacity constraints • Need to address tech debt • Deal with conflicting priorities • Must collaborate cross-team Feature Teams
  7. Platform P F Self-service *x-as-a-service P F Dependencies *collaboration Ask

    Capability * ’Team Topologies’ equivalent sync async Ability to Scale Assistance P F Request Request Service provider *consulting
  8. Contributing to new customer-facing features Supporting a heavy workload on-call

    In high demand for assistance and code reviews Attending ad-hoc consultations, often last-minute Finding a path forward.. Improving performance and reliability
  9. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular and

    structured Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team What we did
  10. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular and

    structured Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team What we did
  11. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular and

    structured Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team 4. Created paved paths with templates, and How-To guides What we did
  12. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular and

    structured Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team 4. Created paved paths with templates, and How-To guides 5. Used playbooks and coached the platform team What we did
  13. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular, structured

    Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team 4. Created paved paths with templates, and How-To guides 5. Used playbooks and coached the platform team 6. Invested in troubleshooting tools to offload work What we did
  14. 1. Tracked inbound requests, leveraged analytics 2. Formalized regular, structured

    Office Hours 3. Promoted best ways to engage with the platform team 4. Created paved paths with templates, and How-To guides 5. Used playbooks and coached the platform team 6. Invested in troubleshooting tools to offload work 7. Moved from one-off dependencies to reusable capabilities What we did
  15. Simplification: reducing changes required for new features Offloading non-critical tasks:

    running a Champions program Feature teams owning their QoS: training teams on reliability Increased visibility: for platform work impact and future plans What keeps us busy
  16. • Practices, tools, and culture define platform teams • Reduce

    toil, document, and promote self-service • View requests as opportunities to empower others • Showcase impact through compelling stories • Always be creating more Capacity 5 things to remember