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The 10 Page Deck - Guidelines for creating the ...

The 10 Page Deck - Guidelines for creating the perfect selling tool.

This 10 page deck includes the staple slides for creating a powerful presentation. Add to these slides as needed, but avoid more than 3 fonts/colors and 1 key point per slide.

Aim to keep your messaging concise, your imagery/graphs clear and your styling consistent with your brand.

Diesel Laws

May 27, 2016

More Decks by Diesel Laws

Other Decks in Business


  1. Our deck guidelines have made millions 2. Explain why they

    should they keep listening Would you like to make more money?
  2. Most decks have no direction, are messy and littered with

    too much text 3. What is the problem? Comic Sans. Paragraphs. 40 pages = Oh my.
  3. Our 10 points keep it simple, clean and straight to

    the point 4. Solve the problem Maximum of 3 colors, 3 fonts and 1 key point per slide.
  4. We receive 1% love for every point read by a

    subscriber 5. How does your solution make money? Big stats and numbers are your friend.
  5. That is 1% love from 1% of the population 6.

    How big is the market? [ Insert up-and-to-the-right graphs. ]
  6. We have a 99% success rate over 100 years 7.

    Show why you are the best team for the job One of our team members won first place in school.
  7. By the end of this year we will roll this

    out to 5% of the population 8. Share your immediate and/or long term plan
  8. We want everyone to create straight-forward decks that make them

    money 9. Positively reinforce the problem and solution