ʢม͕গͳ͍ঢ়گͰͷʣ௨ৗͷྨੑೳݕূ ɾYahoo LTRC : ϥϯΫֶशͷੑೳݕূ ɾCriteo : σʔλαΠζ͕େ͖͍ͷͰࢄॲཧͷੑೳݕূ දݪจΑΓҾ༻ Table 2: Dataset used in the Experiments. Dataset n m Task Allstate 10 M 4227 Insurance claim classification Higgs Boson 10 M 28 Event classification Yahoo LTRC 473K 700 Learning to Rank Criteo 1.7 B 67 Click through rate prediction We used four datasets in our experiments. A summary of these datasets is given in Table 2. In some of the experi- ments, we use a randomly selected subset of the data either due to slow baselines or to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm with varying dataset size. We use a su x to denote the size in these cases. For example Allstate-10K means a subset of the Allstate dataset with 10K instances. The first dataset we use is the Allstate insurance claim dataset8. The task is to predict the likelihood and cost of Table 500 t Meth XGB XGB sciki R.gb Ϩίʔυ มͷ 4/10