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Kubernetes - The Typhoon Way

June 07, 2018

Kubernetes - The Typhoon Way

from our k8s meetup on 07. June 2018



June 07, 2018

More Decks by dreamIT

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  1. About me - DevOps engineer @ dreamIT - main focus:

    Kubernetes, clouds - https://twitter.com/andreveelken - spoke about CoreOS matchbox and k8s on bare metal at last Meetup
  2. Topics - Kubernetes distributions vs. vanilla - Typhoon - Terraform

    - bootkube - building a cluster live
 on AWS
  3. „You’re not running vanilla k8s“ - vanilla k8s (marketing term)

    promising neutrality and protection from vendor lock-in - to run k8s you have to adapt upstream - form communities instead of baking your own k8s distribution!
  4. Kubernetes distributions - added value, e.g. updates - differences: networking,

    storage, loadbalancing, API server flags,… - https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/ pick-right-solution/ - risk of vendor lock in
  5. Typhoon - free, minimal and community driven - declarative infrastructure

    via Terraform - set up, change, destroy - everything wrapped in Terraform modules - uses bootkube under the hood (terraform-render-bootkube) - similarities to CoreOS Tectonic
  6. Typhoon - targets GCE, DigitalOcean, AWS and bare metal! -

    easy to modify in comparison with
 other distributions
  7. Bootkube - kubernetes incubator project - creates a temporary control

    plane and bootstraps a self-hosted k8s cluster - uses hyperkube images (multi purpose containter with all k8s components)
  8. - makes „infrastructure as code“ possible - unified workflow -

    abstraction: provider and resources - talk to local and remote APIs in a consistent manner - % terraform init | apply | destroy
  9. Building a Typhoon cluster on AWS - single master, two

    nodes - calico networking - OS: ContainerLinux - nginx ingress deployment - simple example app
  10. Sources - medium.com/@jzelinskie/youre-not-running-vanilla- kubernetes-2f2359666bf9 - typhoon.psdn.io - github.com/poseidon/typhoon/ - github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube

    - thenewstack.io/find-perfect-kubernetes- distribution/ - kubernetes.io/docs/setup/pick-right-solution/ - landscape.cncf.io/ - Artwork: github.com/ashleymcnamara/gophers
  11. - Kubernetes Community Slack #wg-onprem, 
 #bootkube - IRC on

    freenode: #typhoon - in planning: k8s on baremetal informal gathering 
 at containerdays.io June 19., 20. Use the community, Luke!
  12. Thank you! Questions? % presentation/ terraform destroy -force - our

    simple fork of Typhoon for
 bare metal
 https://github.com/dreamit-de/ terraform-render-bootkube