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DevContainers: Facilitando o Setup de ambientes...

DevContainers: Facilitando o Setup de ambientes de desenvolvimento

Cadu Ribeiro

July 11, 2024

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  1. 40% de desconto no plano anual e até 8% de

    desconto no plano mensal por um ano. https: // bit.ly/adaflowjf
  2. “Developers should be able to run a project with the

    least possible effort” @palkan_tula Vladimir Dementyev
  3. “In most cases things just worked, and when they didn’t,

    our bootstrap script would open a GitHub issue connecting the new hire with internal support. Our #friction Slack channel— staffed by helpful, kind engineers—could debug nearly any system configuration under the sun.” @corywilkerson Cory Wilkerson
  4. “An open specification for enriching containers with development specific content

    and settings” https: // containers.dev/ DevContainers Website
  5. “Já tenho meus containers e Dockerfile da minha app em

    produção rodando. Pq não usar estes ao invés de containers separados pra Desenvolvimento?” Pessoa lendo sobre Devcontainers
  6. https: // 12factor.net/ “Backing services, such as the app’s database,

    queueing system, or cache, is one area where dev/prod parity is important. Many languages offer libraries which simplify access to the backing service, including adapters to different types of services…”
  7. https: // 12factor.net/ “Developers sometimes find great appeal in using

    a lightweight backing service in their local environments, while a more serious and robust backing service will be used in production. For example, using SQLite locally and PostgreSQL in production; or local process memory for caching in development and Memcached in production.”
  8. https: // 12factor.net/ “The twelve-factor developer resists the urge to

    use different backing services between development and production”
  9. -Debian/slim / alpine ou uma distro bem reduzida -Reduzir a

    imagem ao máximo -Ter o mínimo de dependências possível -Expor o mínimo de portas abertas -Distro completa com várias ferramentas como Ubuntu -Não precisamos nos preocupar em reduzir tanto a imagem -Queremos ter utilitários de dev e toolchain de compilação -Podemos abrir portas para facilitar debugging
  10. Como o GitHub usa o GitHub para construir o GitHub

    @duduribeiro Disk Space 13 GB Download Time ~15 min Bootstrap 40 min GH CodeBase