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Dive Into Symfony 4

Dive Into Symfony 4

Symfony 4 is all about making the developer life easier. You liked using SF for large and robust apps, you'll love using it for your next MVP, prototype or small project.

Kévin Dunglas

June 22, 2017

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  1. Les-Tilleuls.coop •Self-managed company since 2011 •100% owned by employees •All

    benefits are equitably shared between employees •21 people, 97% growth in 2016 •We are hiring! => jobs@les-tilleuls.coop
  2. BC Promise and Upgrade Path •Released at the same time

    than Symfony 3.4 •SF 3.4 is compatible with SF 3.0:
 BC layer + deprecation notices •SF 4 = SF 3.4, without the BC layer •SF 3.4 is a LTS
  3. Symfony Flex •A new installer for Symfony •It also installs

    and configures bundles and libs •One goal: improve the overall Symfony DX •It’s a Composer plugin •Designed and developed by Fabien Potencier
  4. Install and Configure Curated Packages •composer req orm => Doctrine

    ORM •composer req api => API Platform •composer req admin => EasyAdminBundle •composer req jwt-auth => LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle
  5. Symfony 4 and Autowiring •On by default •Service ID =

    class name •Detects and registers automatically app’s classes as services •Autoconfigures known class (= autowire + add tags)
 ex: event subscriber, validation constraint, twig ext… •Supports named arguments (App\Foo: {$arg: ‘hello’}) •Uses PSR-11
  6. Webpack Encore •A modern and easy way to manage assets

    •Built on top of Webpack •Babel support (welcome ES200*) •Written in JS •Created by Ryan Weaver