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Hugging the Hatfields

Hugging the Hatfields

Congratulations—your company’s site is being redesigned! Condolences—the developers are too busy, skeptical, or isolated to work with you and the other content experts. The relationship between content teams and development teams is often rocky. The good news is that content strategy can simplify life for developers, too! Learning to speak their language can turn frustrating quagmires into success.

Jeff Eaton

June 05, 2013

More Decks by Jeff Eaton

Other Decks in Technology


  1. You can leave if… ‣ You’re already happy with how

    things work! ‣ You’re the “stakeholder” ‣ You’re the fancy-schmancy consultant ‣ You’re retiring in four months 4
  2. 5 The new CMS is totally broken. I can’t get

    the developers to listen to me. I talked to the devs, and I hate them all. The new templates don’t fit our content! The new workflow has 98,292 steps.
  3. An anonymous developer 6 “The content managers were cut out

    of the conversation because “designing tools” was a job for developers, but when they started giving feedback, it turned ugly. The fixes were complicated and expensive.
  4. 9 Designers are crazy people. All the old content is

    in shambles! No one can explain what I’m building. What we build keeps getting rejected! They want me to duplicate the old CMS.
  5. That developer’s boss just told him that multi-language content revisions

    need to be “more intuitive” 14 Why devs hurt
  6. 18 ‣ Acquiring knowledge is hard ‣ Priorities are elusive

    ‣ The data migration is hell ‣ Scope always creeps
  7. 19 ‣ Acquiring knowledge is hard ‣ Priorities are elusive

    ‣ The data migration is hell ‣ Scope always creeps ‣ Changing course is expensive
  8. ‣ Scope-hawks just say no ‣ Goalies isolate the devs

    ‣ Planners want to know it all 24
  9. ‣ Scope-hawks just say no ‣ Goalies isolate the devs

    ‣ Planners want to know it all ‣ Hermits demand process 25
  10. ‣ Scope-hawks just say no ‣ Goalies isolate the devs

    ‣ Planners want to know it all ‣ Hermits demand process ‣ Ostriches don’t want to hear 26
  11. 31 ‣ Come bearing gifts ‣ Know your value and

    theirs ‣ Help them avoid future pain
  12. 32 ‣ Come bearing gifts ‣ Know your value and

    theirs ‣ Help them avoid future pain ‣ Know what you need and why
  13. 33 ‣ Come bearing gifts ‣ Know your value and

    theirs ‣ Help them avoid future pain ‣ Know what you need and why ‣ Collaborate to solve the how
  14. 38 ‣ Your inventories and audits ‣ Your connection with

    users ‣ Your organizational insights
  15. 39 ‣ Your inventories and audits ‣ Your connection with

    users ‣ Your organizational insights ‣ Your knowledge of workflow
  16. 40 ‣ Your inventories and audits ‣ Your connection with

    users ‣ Your organizational insights ‣ Your knowledge of workflow ‣ Your ability to predict change
  17. 46 ‣ Suggestions for easy wins ‣ Warnings about pitfalls

    ‣ Sneak peeks at what’s coming ‣ Faster, easier fixes
  18. 47 ‣ Suggestions for easy wins ‣ Warnings about pitfalls

    ‣ Sneak peeks at what’s coming ‣ Faster, easier fixes ‣ Advocacy for your needs
  19. 53 ‣ Partnership and collaboration ‣ Visibility into what’s coming

    ‣ Healthy compromises ‣ Mutual focus on shared goals