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Eden Chyun
February 11, 2023
Eden Chyun
February 11, 2023
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Scene 1 Duration 02:09 Panel 1 Duration 01:01 Dialog AGNES:
Bee! This isn't right! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 1/94
Scene 1 Duration 02:09 Panel 2 Duration 00:18 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Whisper) Shush! C'mon! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 2/94
Scene 1 Duration 02:09 Panel 3 Duration 00:14 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Whisper) Shush! C'mon! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 3/94
Scene 2 Duration 01:06 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Whisper) Shush! C'mon! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 4/94
Scene 2 Duration 01:06 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 5/94
Scene 4 Duration 02:15 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Dialog *Inaudible
conversation COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 6/94
Scene 4 Duration 02:15 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog *Inaudible
conversation COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 7/94
Scene 4 Duration 02:15 Panel 3 Duration 00:08 Dialog *Inaudible
conversation COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 8/94
Scene 4 Duration 02:15 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 9/94
Scene 5 Duration 01:19 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Whisper) It's just up here! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 10/94
Scene 5 Duration 01:19 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Whisper) It's just up here! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 11/94
Scene 6 Duration 02:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 12/94
Scene 6 Duration 02:18 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 13/94
Scene 6 Duration 02:18 Panel 3 Duration 01:09 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 14/94
Scene 6_A Duration 03:16 Panel 1 Duration 00:18 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 15/94
Scene 6_A Duration 03:16 Panel 2 Duration 00:21 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 16/94
Scene 6_A Duration 03:16 Panel 3 Duration 00:20 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 17/94
Scene 6_A Duration 03:16 Panel 4 Duration 00:12 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 18/94
Scene 6_A Duration 03:16 Panel 5 Duration 00:17 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 19/94
Scene 7 Duration 02:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:16 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 20/94
Scene 7 Duration 02:18 Panel 2 Duration 00:10 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 21/94
Scene 7 Duration 02:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:12 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 22/94
Scene 7 Duration 02:18 Panel 4 Duration 01:04 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 23/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 24/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 2 Duration 01:02 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 25/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 3 Duration 00:20 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Inhale) COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 26/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 4 Duration 00:16 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 27/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 5 Duration 00:16 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 28/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 6 Duration 00:08 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 29/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 7 Duration 00:08 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 30/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 8 Duration 00:12 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 31/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 9 Duration 00:12 Dialog PHOEBE:
Ahhh finally! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 32/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 10 Duration 00:09 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 33/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 11 Duration 00:09 Dialog PHOEBE:
Here it is! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 34/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 12 Duration 00:13 Dialog PHOEBE:
Here it is! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 35/94
Scene 1 Duration 07:14 Panel 13 Duration 00:18 Dialog PHOEBE:
Here it is! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 36/94
Scene 2 Duration 03:03 Panel 1 Duration 00:11 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 37/94
Scene 2 Duration 03:03 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 38/94
Scene 2 Duration 03:03 Panel 3 Duration 00:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 39/94
Scene 2 Duration 03:03 Panel 4 Duration 00:22 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 40/94
Scene 3 Duration 10:02 Panel 1 Duration 01:17 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 41/94
Scene 3 Duration 10:02 Panel 2 Duration 04:20 Dialog PHOEBE:
The top of the world! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 42/94
Scene 3 Duration 10:02 Panel 3 Duration 01:03 Dialog PHOEBE:
The top of the world! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 43/94
Scene 3 Duration 10:02 Panel 4 Duration 01:14 Dialog PHOEBE:
Look, you can even see the Wasteland from here! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 44/94
Scene 3 Duration 10:02 Panel 5 Duration 00:20 Dialog PHOEBE:
Look, you can even see the Wasteland from here! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 45/94
Scene 4 Duration 01:20 Panel 1 Duration 00:22 Dialog PHOEBE:
And if you look even closer... COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 46/94
Scene 4 Duration 01:20 Panel 2 Duration 00:22 Dialog PHOEBE:
And if you look even closer... COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 47/94
Scene 4_A Duration 05:10 Panel 1 Duration 01:14 Dialog PHOEBE:
You can see all sorts of little things- like those tall sharp mountains. Or that strange pale spot. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 48/94
Scene 4_A Duration 05:10 Panel 2 Duration 01:06 Dialog PHOEBE:
You can see all sorts of little things- like those tall sharp mountains. Or that strange pale spot. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 49/94
Scene 4_A Duration 05:10 Panel 3 Duration 02:14 Dialog PHOEBE:
You can see all sorts of little things- like those tall sharp mountains. Or that strange pale spot! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 50/94
Scene 4_B Duration 05:08 Panel 1 Duration 01:06 Dialog PHOEBE:
Up here.. it's the only place you can see all of this. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 51/94
Scene 4_B Duration 05:08 Panel 2 Duration 00:22 Dialog PHOEBE:
Up here.. it's the only place you can see all of this. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 52/94
Scene 4_B Duration 05:08 Panel 3 Duration 00:17 Dialog PHOEBE:
Up here.. it's the only place you can see all of this. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 53/94
Scene 4_B Duration 05:08 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog PHOEBE:
(Inhale) COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 54/94
Scene 4_B Duration 05:08 Panel 5 Duration 01:12 Dialog PHOEBE:
It's incredible.. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 55/94
Scene 4_C Duration 02:17 Panel 1 Duration 00:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 56/94
Scene 4_C Duration 02:17 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 57/94
Scene 4_C Duration 02:17 Panel 3 Duration 01:07 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 58/94
Scene 4_D Duration 03:09 Panel 1 Duration 01:07 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 59/94
Scene 4_D Duration 03:09 Panel 2 Duration 00:17 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 60/94
Scene 4_D Duration 03:09 Panel 3 Duration 01:09 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 61/94
Scene 4_E Duration 09:03 Panel 1 Duration 01:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 62/94
Scene 4_E Duration 09:03 Panel 2 Duration 01:03 Dialog PHOEBE:
Agnes? COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 63/94
Scene 4_E Duration 09:03 Panel 3 Duration 01:16 Dialog PHOEBE:
Agnes? COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 64/94
Scene 4_E Duration 09:03 Panel 4 Duration 02:20 Dialog AGNES:
They said when you're down there, you can't see anything. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 65/94
Scene 4_E Duration 09:03 Panel 5 Duration 01:17 Dialog AGNES:
Not even the lights from the city... COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 66/94
Scene 4_G Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 00:16 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 67/94
Scene 4_G Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 00:18 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 68/94
Scene 4_G Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 00:17 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 69/94
Scene 4_G Duration 03:00 Panel 4 Duration 00:21 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 70/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 1 Duration 02:00 Dialog AGNES:
Seeing it from up here, you can really see just how massive- COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 71/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 2 Duration 01:09 Dialog AGNES:
-and how empty it is out there. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 72/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 3 Duration 01:01 Dialog AGNES:
-and how empty it is out there. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 73/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 4 Duration 02:03 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 74/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 5 Duration 01:01 Dialog AGNES:
It's nothing- I COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 75/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 6 Duration 01:01 Dialog AGNES:
It's nothing- I COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 76/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 7 Duration 01:22 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 77/94
Scene 4_I Duration 11:12 Panel 8 Duration 00:23 Dialog PHOEBE:
Hey.. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 78/94
Scene 4_J Duration 03:23 Panel 1 Duration 00:14 Dialog PHOEBE:
You'll be alright! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 79/94
Scene 4_J Duration 03:23 Panel 2 Duration 01:04 Dialog PHOEBE:
You'll be alright! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 80/94
Scene 4_J Duration 03:23 Panel 3 Duration 01:11 Dialog PHOEBE:
I know you will. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 81/94
Scene 4_J Duration 03:23 Panel 4 Duration 00:18 Dialog PHOEBE:
And whatever happens- COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 82/94
Scene 4_K Duration 02:16 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Dialog PHOEBE:
I'll protect you! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 83/94
Scene 4_K Duration 02:16 Panel 2 Duration 00:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 84/94
Scene 4_K Duration 02:16 Panel 3 Duration 01:01 Dialog AGNES:
Yeah, yeah- I know COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 85/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 1 Duration 00:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 86/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 87/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 3 Duration 01:19 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 88/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 4 Duration 01:03 Dialog AGNES:
You better not tell anyone I was scared. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 89/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog AGNES:
You better not tell anyone I was scared. COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 90/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 6 Duration 00:21 Dialog AGNES:
You better not tell anyone I was scared. PHOEBE: I wont I wont! COA Agnes Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 91/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 7 Duration 01:07 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 92/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 8 Duration 00:16 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 93/94
Scene 4_L Duration 12:06 Panel 9 Duration 03:18 COA Agnes
Phoebe Tower SQ 01 Page 94/94