o to enter insert mode(i = insert, a = append, o = newline) 2. in insert mode, ESC or Ctrl+[ to enter normal mode 3. in normal mode, hit v or V to enter visual mode 4. in visual mode, hit ESC or Ctrl+[ to normal mode
new tab. ✓gt to switch to next tab, gT to previous tab. (I map gt and gT to F7 and F8 in my vimrc) ✓:new to create a horizontal split window, :vnew or :vs to create a vertical split window.
the same time with horizontal split window. ✓vi -O a.rb b.rb same as above, but in vertical split window. ✓vi -p a.rb b.rb to open files with tabs. ✓vi http://www.eddie.com.tw will read the source content into vim directly.
and b or B is backward. ✓0 to back to the begin of the line, and $ is jump to the end. ✓fx will stop the cursor at the next "x" character in current line, and F is search backward.
last section. ✓vit will visually select content between the tag, while vat will even including the tag. ✓vi" will visually select content between current double quotes. ✓viw will select the current word.
current file, and G will jump to bottom. ✓zz, zb, zt ✓/ search, n can jump to next matched result, and N will jump to last one. ✓* search the word on cursor.
cursor. ✓C like D, but enter insert mode. dG will clear all content after the cursor, dgg will clear all content before the cursor. ✓x remove a character. ✓. to repeat last action. ✓dd to delete whole line, 3dd to delete 3 lines.
ciw same as above, but enter insert mode. r to replace current character. ✓J to concatenate current line with next line, 3J will concatenate next 3 lines. ✓> to add indentation, < to remove indentation.
type fg to bring it back. 2. ctrl + w to delete a word, ctrl + u to delete a whole line, both work in terminal and vim edit mode. 3. ctrl + r to find history commands fuzzily.