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The globalisation about China and Japan

The globalisation about China and Japan

More Decks by Tadashi Jokagi "Joe" / "ELF"

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  1. About China and Japan Politics Socialism Capitalism The size of

    the territory 9,596,961 km2 377,972 km2 2,500% Population 1,403,500,365 126,672,000 1,100% GDP $11.938 trillion $5.420 trillion 220% (Copyright Wikipedia by CC)
  2. Common Advantages vs Disadvantages of Globalisation Advantages (Improvement) Disadvantages (Degradation)

    • Economic Impact • International Competitiveness • Job Opportunities • Productivity • Transportation • ICT Environment • Trading Dependant • International Conflict • Natural Environmental
  3. Import (What to China) Fossil fuel ➢ Manufacturing ➢ Raw

    Materials (1970) ➢ Manufacturing ➢ Raw Materials ➢ (1980) ➢ Manufacturing ➢ Clothing (1990) ➢ Electronics ➢ Manufacturing (2000) ➢ Electronics ➢ Vehicles/Electronics (2010) ➢ Electronics ➢ Vehicles/Electronics (2016) (The Observatory of Economic Complexity) “In 2016 China imported $1.32T, making it the 2nd largest importer in the world”
  4. Import (What to Japan) Fossil fuel ➢ Raw Materials ➢

    Fossil fuels (1970) ➢ Fossil fuels (1980) ➢ Fossil fuels (1990) ➢ Electronics ➢ Fossil fuels (2000) ➢ Fossil fuels ➢ Electronics (2010) ➢ Electronics ➢ Fossil fuels (2016) (The Observatory of Economic Complexity) “In 2016 Japan imported $583B, making it the 5th largest importer in the world”
  5. Import (Conclusion) • Import is beneficial in both countries. •

    China is more importing country than Japan. • In China, there was a dramatically changed in the import business from 1990 to 2000 • By contrast, in Japan, there is not much change since 1970, and importing of fossil fuels is still important.
  6. Export (What from China) ➢ Raw Materials (1970) ➢ Fossil

    fuel ➢ Clothing (1980) ➢ Clothing ➢ High Technology (1990) ➢ High Technologies ➢ Clothing ➢ (2000) Fossil fuel ➢ High Technologies ➢ Clothing (2010) ➢ High Technologies ➢ Vehicles/Electronics (2016) (The Observatory of Economic Complexity) “In 2016 China exported $2.06T, making it the largest exporter in the world”
  7. Export (What from Japan) ➢ Cars ➢ Electronics (1970) ➢

    Cars ➢ Electronics (1980) ➢ Cars ➢ Electronics (1990) ➢ Cars ➢ Electronics (2000) Fossil fuel ➢ Cars ➢ Electronics (2010) ➢ Cars ➢ Electronics (2016) (The Observatory of Economic Complexity) “In 2016 Japan exported $605B, making it the 4th largest exporter in the world.”
  8. Export (Conclusion) • Export is beneficial in both countries. •

    China is more exporting country than Japan. • In China, there was also a dramatically changed in the export business from 1990 to 2000. • By contrast, in Japan, there is extremely stable, the export relies on the vehicle industry. – Most people believe that it has high technology such as computing in Japan, however the data doesn't show about it.
  9. Raw Data 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 number

    of arrivals 55,664,000 57,581,000 57,725,000 55,686,000 55,622,000 56,886,000 59,270,000 number of departures 57,386,000 70,250,000 83,182,000 98,185,000 116,593,000 127,860,000 135,130,000 Receipts (Million US$) 45,814 48,464 50,028 51,664 44,044 44,969 44,432 expenditures (Million US$) 54,880 72,585 101,977 128,576 227,344 249,831 261,129 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 number of arrivals 8,611,000 6,219,000 8,358,000 10,364,000 13,413,000 19,737,000 24,040,000 number of departures 16,637,000 16,994,000 18,491,000 17,473,000 16,903,000 16,214,000 17,116,000 Receipts (Million US$) 15,356 12,533 16,197 16,865 20,790 27,285 33,427 Expenditures (Million US$) 39,306 39,760 40,967 32,244 28,609 23,252 25,783 China Japan
  10. Tourist (Statistics) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Ratio

    China's in/outbound (inbound ÷ outbound) 103 122 144 176 210 225 228 Ratio Japan's in/outbound (inbound ÷ outbound) 52 37 45 59 79 122 140 China's Ratio annual inbound - 103 100 96 100 102 104 China's Ratio annual outbound - 122 118 118 119 110 106 Japan's Ratio annual inbound - 102 109 94 97 96 106 Japan's Ratio annual outbound - 72 134 124 129 147 122 Ratio both countries' inbound (China ÷ Japan) 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 Ratio both countries' outbound (China ÷ Japan) 7 11 10 9 9 6 6 Spend money in destination per traveller in Chinese 268 178 195 172 178 213 247 Spend money in destination per traveller in Japanese 4,565 6,393 4,902 3,111 2,133 1,178 1,073 Ratio spend money in destination per traveler 17 36 25 18 12 6 4 Copyright The World Bank
  11. Tourism (Conclusion) Both ✓ Tourism is beneficial in both countries.

    China ✓ There is not much change in the number of tourists from foreign countries. ✓ The number of travelers to overseas has increased greatly ✓ There is not much change in travel expenses. ✓ Total expenditure at the destinations increased significantly, but expenditure per traveler was reduced until 2013. Japan ✓ There is not much change in the number of tourists from foreign countries. ✓ The number of travelers to foreign countries has increased greatly, however it is roughly 60% of China's. ✓ Travel expenses are rising. However, total expenditure on their travel destinations tends to decrease. Other ✓ Japanese people are using money at travel destinations than Chinese. But the difference is quite small recently.
  12. University (Statistics) Year University Country Rank Overall Teaching Research Citations

    Industry Income Internatio nal Outlook 2011 The University of Tokyo Japan 26 75.6 87.7 91.9 58.1 18.4 2011 Peking University China 37 70.7 76.4 61.3 72.2 98.6 68.6 2011 University of Science and Technology of China China 49 66 57.5 48.6 92.7 30.3 2011Kyoto University Japan 57 64.6 78.9 77.7 46.3 67.1 18.4 2011 Tsinghua University China 58 64.2 74.9 66.6 52.7 97.8 43 2014 The University of Tokyo Japan 23 76.4 84.7 88 69.8 56.7 29.6 2014 Peking University China 45 65 72.3 58.1 62.8 99.9 60.6 2014 Tsinghua University China 50 63.5 66.8 65.9 59.9 99.9 42.6 2014Kyoto University Japan 52 63.2 69.5 69.5 58.2 78.7 27.5
  13. University (Statistics) Year University Country Rank Overall Teaching Research Citations

    Industry Income Internatio nal Outlook 2016 Peking University China 42 72 77.8 72.4 69.1 100 49.2 2016 The University of Tokyo Japan 43 71.1 81.4 83 60.9 50.8 30.3 2016 Tsinghua University China 47 70 73.3 83 58.8 100 39.5 2016Kyoto University Japan 88 59.9 70.6 69.3 46.6 79 26.1 2018 Peking University China 27 79.2 83 85.1 74.2 100 53 2018 Tsinghua University China 30 79 80.2 93.2 71.4 99.8 41 2018 The University of Tokyo Japan 46 72.2 79.5 85.2 63.7 52.7 32.2 2018Kyoto University Japan 74 64.9 71.8 78.6 50.9 93.8 28.8
  14. University (Ranking) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

    The University of Tokyo Japan 26 30 27 23 23 43 46 46 Kyoto University Japan 57 52 54 52 59 88 74 74 Peking University China 37 49 46 45 48 42 27 27 University of Science and Technology of China China 49 Tsinghua University China 58 71 52 50 49 47 30 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Rank Year University Ranking (2011-2018) The University of Tokyo Kyoto University Peking University University of Science and Technology of China Tsinghua University
  15. University (Conclusion) • Education is beneficial for to make competitive

    people in both countries. • There are two universities in China and Japan, which are in top ranking 100. • In recent years the Chinese University overtook Japanese universities. – This indicates that the academic ability of China has become higher internationally. – By contrast, the ranking of Japanese universities is gradually decreasing.
  16. International Student 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Japan 125877

    126568 131599 141599 151461 150617 China 71673 79638 88979 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 The number of international Student Japan China (Copyright OECD.Stat)
  17. International Student (Conclusion) • The number of foreign students in

    Japan in 2012 is stagnant. • The number of foreign students in China in 2012 is gradually increasing. • The number of foreign students coming to Japan is almost twice that in China. – It means that there are many foreigners who want to learn in Japan. – But the difference is shrinking.
  18. Conclusion • China's growth is recognized in the education field,

    world trading and tourism. • Meanwhile, there is little change in Japan and there is a declining trend such as education. • China was found to have significant changes in world trading around the year 2000. On the other hand, the change of it in Japan was found to be very small. • Overall, Japan and China tend to have similar tendencies, however their scale differs greatly.
  19. References • OECD.Stat https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCo de=RFOREIGN# • The Observatory of Economic

    Complexity https://atlas.media.mit.edu/ • The World Bank https://data.worldbank.org/ • Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/ • World University Rankings | Times Higher Education (THE) https://www.timeshighereducation.com/worl d-university-rankings/2018/world-ranking