a string. * * @param str String to be checked. * @param pos Position to get character from. * @return Returns a character. * @author Raymond Camden ([email protected]) * @version 1, December 3, 2001 */ function CharAt(str,pos) { return Mid(str,pos,1); } — From CFLib
name of the module entryPoint The default route into this module. (i.e. api/ v1) autoMapModels Set to true to have WireBox automatically map your models folder dependencies Other dependencies that must be loaded before this one parseParentSettings Set to true to allow overrides from config/ ColdBox.cfc
"shortDescription":"Caches the last request in the flash scope to give easy redirects back", "type":"modules", "scripts":{ "postVersion":"package set location='elpete/redirectBack#v`package version`'", "onRelease":"publish", "postPublish":"!git push && !git push --tags" }, "ignore":[ "**/.*", "test", "tests" ] }
Peterson"; this.webURL = "https://github.com/elpete/redirectBack"; this.description = "Caches the last request in the flash scope to give easy redirects back"; this.version = "1.0.1";
shareable (Public repos) — Also can be private (Private repos) Cons — No semantic version ranges. (Must specify a tag.) — Must specify the full git path (as opposed to a ForgeBox slug).
file — Create git repo and GitHub repo — Create a GitHub token if it doesn't exist — Sets up TravisCI to accept builds — Creates a TravisCI token if it doesn't exist So you can start coding right away