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AI4BC 2021 | Influence via Ethos: On the Persua...

Emaad Manzoor
February 11, 2021

AI4BC 2021 | Influence via Ethos: On the Persuasive Power of Reputation in Deliberation Online

15 minute talk at the AAAI 2021 workshop on AI for Behavioral Change (AI4BC): https://ai4bc.github.io/ai4bc21/

Video: https://youtu.be/7tSLWogEoWo
Website: http:/emaadmanzoor.com/ethos

Emaad Manzoor

February 11, 2021


  1. Information Processing Pathways [Petty & Cacioppo 1980; Chaiken 1980; Kahneman

    & Tversky 1974] Systematic Pathway High effort, long- lasting attitude change Eg. Content veracity, relevance, etc.
  2. Information Processing Pathways [Petty & Cacioppo 1980; Chaiken 1980; Kahneman

    & Tversky 1974] Heuristic Pathway Low effort, short- lived attitude change Eg. Brand, affiliation, etc. — reputation Systematic Pathway High effort, long- lasting attitude change Eg. Content veracity, relevance, etc.
  3. “Unthinking Compliance” “[…] the ever-accelerating pace and informational crush of

    modern life will make this particular form of unthinking compliance more and more prevalent in the future.” — [Cialdini 1984]
  4. Need to Encourage Elaboration “The fact that individuals rely on

    automatic thinking has significant implications for understanding development challenges and for designing the best policies to overcome them.”— (World Bank Group 2015)
  5. Response Text High effort Displayed Reputation Low effort Information Processing

    on ChangeMyView [Petty & Cacioppo 1980; Chaiken 1980; Kahneman & Tversky 1974]
  6. Identification Strategy I. Approximate challenger “skill” II. Address endogenous post

    selection III. Instrument for reputation IV. “Control for” challengers’ response text
  7. Persuasion (Outcome) Response Quality I. “Skill” as a Confounder Causal

    Graph [Pearl, 2009] may/may not cause does not cause Responder Skill Reputation (Treatment) Skill is common cause of the treatment (reputation) and outcome (persuasion)
  8. Accounts for all responder characteristics correlated with persuasion until the

    debate immediately prior Laplace-smoothed in practice [Manning et al 2008] skill(debate t) = no. posters persuaded before t t − 1 I. “Skill” as a Confounder
  9. II. Post Selection as a Confounder Users endogenously select posts

    to respond to based on factors like: • Characteristics of the post (eg. post topic) • Characteristics of the poster (eg. malleability)
  10. r1 r2 r3 Decreasing attention and argument space Post Mean

    past position of responder as an instrument for their present reputation III. Instrument for Reputation Later (larger position) response lower persuasion probability Reputation no. of posters persuaded previously → ≈
  11. r1 r2 r3 Decreasing attention and argument space Post Addressed

    by controlling for each challenger’s observed response position Instrument exogeneity will be violated by post selection based on anticipated response position III. Instrument for Reputation
  12. Instrument: Mean past position of challenger before the present debate

    First-stage F-statistic > 3000 III. Instrument for Reputation
  13. Persuasion Instrument Unobserved Confounder Response Text Confounders of reputation and

    instrument must affect persuasion through the response text Motivation Reputation IV. Controlling for Unstructured Text
  14. Persuasion Instrument Unobserved Confounder Response Text Inherently unstructured and high

    dimensional How to “control for” text? Reputation IV. Controlling for Unstructured Text
  15. Persuasion Unobserved Confounder b a c d Response Text View

    text as four conceptual components Sufficient to control for a to block causal pathways How to “control for” text? Instrument Reputation IV. Controlling for Unstructured Text
  16. Unobserved Confounder Instrument Reputation Dimensionality Reduction (feature engineering, LDA, etc.)

    1. No guarantee against omitted variable bias 2. Estimates sensitive to researcher choices Persuasion b a c d Response Text IV. Controlling for Unstructured Text
  17. Unobserved Confounder Instrument Reputation My approach 1. Measure association strength

    between text, treatment, outcome, instrument 2. Combine associations using double machine learning [Chernozhukov et. al. 2016] Persuasion b a c d Response Text IV. Controlling for Unstructured Text
  18. Estimation and Inference Double Machine Learning [Chernozhukov et. al., 2016]

    • General “recipe” to derive Neyman-orthogonal moment condition, solve for empirically • Neutralizes “regularization bias” and “overfitting bias” that arise from ML model estimation • Valid asymptotic inference, fast convergence rates despite slowly-converging ML models O( n)
  19. Estimation and Inference 𝔼[((Ypu − 𝔼[Ypu |Xpu , τp ])

    − β1 (rpu − 𝔼[rpu |Xpu , τp ])) −β2 (spu − 𝔼[spu |Xpu , τp ])) − β3 (tpu − 𝔼[tpu |Xpu , τp ])) × (Zpu − 𝔼[Zpu |Xpu , τp ])] = 0 Persuasion Reputation Position Skill Instrument Response Text Post Fixed-Effect Solve Neyman-orthogonal moment for and β1 , β2 β3
  20. 𝔼[((Ypu − 𝔼[Ypu |Xpu , τp ]) − β1 (rpu

    − 𝔼[rpu |Xpu , τp ])) −β2 (spu − 𝔼[spu |Xpu , τp ])) − β3 (tpu − 𝔼[tpu |Xpu , τp ])) × (Zpu − 𝔼[Zpu |Xpu , τp ])] = 0 If ML models converge at least as — use deep ReLU neural networks [Farrell et. al., 2020] O(n1/4) Estimation and Inference Fast convergence O( n)
  21. Main Result +10 reputation units +26% persuasion rate increase over

    the platform average persuasion rate ( 3.5%) → ≈ *** 0.91 (0.08) Reputation (10 units) Skill (%) Outcome: Persuasion Treatment: Reputation *** 0.16 (0.02) Position (std. dev) *** -0.88 (0.08) Estimated Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) Controls: Skill, position, response text, opinion fixed-effects percentage points
  22. Moderation consistent with theory of reputation as a “reference cue”

    [Bilancini & Boncinelli 2018] Content as a Moderator Resp. Length quantile 1 82% 89% Resp. Length quantile 4 Post length quantile 1 90% 83% Post length quantile 4 Reputation effect-share (vs skill)
  23. Displayed reputation is persuasive in dialogue emaadmanzoor.com/ethos/ Text can be

    useful for causal identification Conversation design: Content, framing, pacing — future work Key Finding What else have we learned? What can we do about it?