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GDG Kütahya - Exploring the v28 Android Design...

Emre Tekin
December 01, 2018

GDG Kütahya - Exploring the v28 Android Design Support Library Additions

Emre Tekin

December 01, 2018

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  1. What is Support Library? The Support Library is a collection

    of libraries can be defined as into two group of libraries such as compatibility and component libraries. implementation 'com.android.support:design:28.0.0' This is the stable release of Support Library 28.0.0 and is suitable for use in production. This will be the last feature release under the android.support packaging, and developers are encouraged to migrate to AndroidX. implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:1.0.0
  2. Introduction Material Design Material is an adaptable system of guidelines,

    components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design. Backed by open-source code, Material streamlines collaboration between designers and developers, and helps teams quickly build beautiful products. https://material.io
  3. Previously Used Material Components • Toolbar • Bottom Navigation View

    • Cardview • Floating Action Button • Selection Controls
  4. Toolbar to BottomAppBar A bottom app bar displays navigation and

    key actions at the bottom of mobile screens. Based on the changing needs and behaviors of users, the BottomAppBar is an evolution from standard Material guidance.
  5. Toolbar to BottomAppBar A bottom app bar displays navigation and

    key actions at the bottom of mobile screens. Based on the changing needs and behaviors of users, the BottomAppBar is an evolution from standard Material guidance.
  6. Cardview to Material CardView Material CardView is a customizable component

    based on CardView from the Android Support Library. Material CardView provides all of the features of CardView, but adds attributes for customizing the stroke and uses an updated Material style by default.
  7. Chips There are four types of chips: • Entry Chip

    • Filter Chip • Choice Chip • Action Chip (Default)
  8. • Chip Attributes Label android:text android:textAppearance Shape app:chipCornerRadius Size app:chipMinHeight

    Background app:chipBackgroundColor Border app:chipStrokeColor app:chipStrokeWidth Ripple app:rippleColor Chip Icon app:chipIconVisible app:chipIcon app:chipIconTint app:chipIconSize Close Icon app:closeIconVisible app:closeIcon app:closeIconSize app:closeIconTint Checkable android:checkable Motion app:showMotionSpec app:hideMotionSpec Paddings app:chipStartPadding app:iconStartPadding app:iconEndPadding app:textStartPadding app:textEndPadding app:closeIconStartPadding app:closeIconEndPadding app:chipEndPadding
  9. • Material Button Attributes Icon drawable app:icon Padding between icon

    and button text app:iconPadding Icon color app:iconTint app:iconTintModer Stroke app:strokeColor app:strokeWidth The radius of all four corners of the button app:cornerRadius Ripple app:rippleColor