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Contribute to WordPress.tv

Pascal Casier
November 19, 2017

Contribute to WordPress.tv

Pascal Casier

November 19, 2017

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  1. Polyglots Team Mentor, GTE for fr_BE & nl_BE WordPress.tv &

    bbPress.org Moderator WPTranslationDay Global lead WCEU 2018 Organizer Twitter: @ePascalC WordPress and Slack: @casiepa 2
  2. Contributing to WordPress WordPress is a user-driven project, and all

    developments and enhancements depend on users like you! (WordPress Codex) People from all over the world collaborate to create the core software, write the documentation, provide support, translate WordPress, organize events and generally keep the project running. (Siobhan McKeown) The WordPress community invites you to contribute as well. It doesn’t matter whether you are a developer, designer, writer, teacher, or just a user: You can be an absolute beginner or a seasoned veteran. (Brandon Yanofsky) 3
  3. WordPress.tv 5 67 71 80 89 115 431 596 938

    1377 1705 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WordPress.tv WordCamps Videos Publlished
  4. WordPress.tv contribution • Submit videos from WordCamps, Meetups, Testimonials •

    Help moderating Create intro and outro, cut, trim Upload/download/compress between AWS, WordPress.tv and YouTube Subtitling / Captioning Documentation Outreach 6