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YUI and The Future

YUI and The Future

A look at where the Web Platform is heading and how YUI fits into that future and continues to help you build web apps that run on many devices.

Eric Ferraiuolo

November 06, 2013

More Decks by Eric Ferraiuolo

Other Decks in Programming


  1. YUI Infrastructure Extensibility Abstraction Use-case driven Sandboxing Consistency Runs everywhere

    Code organization Code loading Documented Good citizen Facades Composition Adaptation Works for everyone
  2. FUTURE Desktop Mobile JavaScript (ES5) JavaScript (ES3) HTML & CSS

    HTML5 & CSS3 JavaScript (ES6) Web Components
  3. ECMASCRIPT 6 Promises computed properties => Modules Iterators Sets Maps

    Generators Destructuring class const let Proxies default function params rest / spread for-of loops comprehensions Template Strings block scoping Object.assign Object.mixin Object.is Array.from Array.of Array.prototype.find Array.prototype.findIndex Number.* Math.* String.fromCodePoint Object.getPropertyNames
  4. ECMASCRIPT 6 Promises computed properties => Modules Iterators Sets Maps

    Generators Destructuring class const let Proxies default function params rest / spread for-of loops comprehensions Template Strings block scoping Object.assign Object.mixin Object.is Array.from Array.of Array.prototype.find Array.prototype.findIndex Number.* Math.* String.fromCodePoint Object.getPropertyNames
  5. YUI

  6. YUI Infrastructure Extensibility Abstraction Use-case driven Sandboxing Consistency Runs everywhere

    Code organization Code loading Documented Good citizen Facades Composition Adaptation Works for everyone
  7. YUI Infrastructure Extensibility Abstraction Use-case driven Sandboxing Consistency Runs everywhere

    Code organization Code loading Documented Good citizen Facades Composition Adaptation Works for everyone