is about balancing UX, performance, and resources This talk does not cover the unlimited benefits of coding in resource management: smart grids, ciDes, transports… This talk covers the impact of IT resource management on the planet.
Organized around Business CapabiliDes Products not Projects Smart endpoints and dumb pipes Decentralized Governance Decentralized Data Management Infrastructure AutomaDon Design for failure EvoluDonary Design
VNI: y-‐o-‐y data growth Masterpiece of architecture : R.Fielding, REST thesis (2000) Dinh&Boonkrong, UniversityBangkok InfoQ, on Linkedin to Node.js MarDn Fowler @thoughtworks on microservices Special thanks to @vlavschneid, @verseo_fr and the @StreamdataIO crew for supporDng this quest
April 11th, Assemblée NaDonale Paris, prepare #COIP, Meetup Come to EcoInfo 10th year day April 23rd, CNRS Paris 16th And communicate to the world #COIP D-‐236 days in Paris (too)
grandchildren will not see the Guerande saltmarsh, Maurienne glacier and Amsterdam; unless we all try to do something about it at our scale, starDng NOW