your web sites. ◦ Membership (connect w/ Google/twitter/Yahoo/others) ◦ Comments, polls, forms, ... ◦ Data analysis ◦ ... •There're 2 ways for integrating with GFC and your web sites: ◦Built-in gadgets ◦Friend Connect API
their sites with GFC. Besides the built-in gadgets: ◦ JavaScript API (client-side, gadget, AJAX) ◦ REST/RPC protocols (server-side) •3 types of social data: ◦ People ◦ Activity ◦ App Data (persistence)
profiles --> <a href="#" onclick="google.friendconnect.requestSettings();">Settings</a> <!-- Invite friends to join this site --> <a href="#" onclick="google.friendconnect.requestInvite();">Invite</a> <!-- Signout the site --> <a href="#" onclick="google.friendconnect.requestSignout();">Sign out</a>
sign-in with GFC, GFC will store a cookie for further authentication. •OpenSocial client library: • REST service endpoint: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
in cookie, field: fcauth<siteId> •CRUD current user's data •Sample request: (get current user's profile) fcauth=<token>
joined members ◦Offline processing the social data ◦Without user signed in •GFC will generate a pair keys to build hash/signature •Sample request: <ID of the user to fetch>/@self?oauth_consumer_key=<yourconsumer key>&oauth_signature_method =HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=<the time right now in millis>&oauth_nonce=<some nonce>&oauth_signature=<signed using your secret>
socialize your site. ◦ built-in/custom gadgets •If your site has been a social site, integrate GFC to expand your the social network. ◦ Social gadgets ◦ Merge member data