project was treated like a stepchild and not taken as seriously as other engineering disciplines, such as hardware engineering; and it was regarded as an art and as magic, not a science.” - Margaret Hamilton
of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." • Wikipedia: – "the word art may refer to several things: (i) a study of a creative skill, (ii) a process of using the creative skill, (iii) a product of the creative skill, or (iv) the audience's experience with the creative skill."
to be good • Doesn't need to be beautiful • Artist is not an adjective either “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Scott Adams
that it (and those building it) would be given its due respect and thus I began to use the term “software engineering” to distinguish it from hardware and other kinds of engineering. It was an ongoing joke for a long time. They liked to kid me about my radical ideas” Margaret Hamilton
fields • Strongly based on trial-and-error, instead of formulas / mathematical proofs • Tests are the closer we have to proofs, but they are also written by us