load .borisrc file in your home directory, which can contain arbitrary PHP code to run at startup • You can implement a custom Inspector, to control how values are printed
that time using git when... Brought to you by @kylerush and @creighfishtaco.","ask":false,"ask_anon":false,"is_nsfw":false," share_likes":true,"likes":0},"posts": [{"blog_name":"wheningit","id":46258279610,"post_url":"http:\/\/ wheningit.tumblr.com\/post\/46258279610\/when-i-discovered-what- the-porcelain-flag-did-on-git","slug":"when-i-discovered-what- the-porcelain-flag-did-on-git","type":"text","date":"2013-03-25 16:35:09 GMT","timestamp": 1364229309,"state":"published","format":"html","reblog_key":"goC oFPdn","tags":[],"short_url":"http:\/\/tmblr.co\/ Zt8S7vh5DLIw","highlighted":[],"note_count":10,"title":"When I Fetching JSON with cURL
{ "status": 200, "msg": "OK" }, "response": { "blog": { "title": "When in git", "name": "wheningit", "posts": 49, "url": "http://wheningit.tumblr.com", "updated": 1364229309, "description": "Remember that time using git when... Brought to you by @kylerush and @creighfishtaco.", "ask": false,
= "MailCatcher test"; !string(16) "MailCatcher test" boris> $message = "This message should go to MailCatcher"; !string(37) "This message should go to MailCatcher" boris> $headers = "From: eugene@adverts.ie"; !string(23) "From: eugene@adverts.ie" boris> mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); !bool(true) Send a test mail with boris
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