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Technical Debt: Maintaining Software Long Term

Technical Debt: Maintaining Software Long Term

Software often becomes less maintainable the longer development teams work on it. The metaphor "technical debt" has been established for this. But technical debt can happen "just like that" and it doesn't always make sense to eliminate it. That's what this talk is about - and about the foundations of the metaphor, how it helps when communicating with managers, why the metaphor is actually not very well chosen, and of course how to deal with technical debt in a sensible way.

Eberhard Wolff

October 04, 2023

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  1. Technical Debt: Maintaining Systems in the Long Run Eberhard Wolff

    Head of Architecture https://swaglab.rocks/ https://ewolff.com/
  2. Why This Talk? •Handling technical debt is important to succeed

    in software development. •Many misunderstandings •Goal: Show decisions that can be made about technical debt.
  3. Internal Quality •What developers see •Code quality •Code structure •Tests

    •Might be related to external quality Internal quality External quality
  4. What is Technical Debt? •Not just developers need to reason

    about internal quality. •Technical debt: metaphor to explain internal quality …and possible decisions about it.
  5. Technical Debt Cost of additional rework caused by choosing an

    easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_debt Conscious decision Debt can be avoided
  6. Technical Debt As with monetary debt, if technical debt is

    not repaid, it can accumulate "interest", making it harder to implement changes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_debt It can be fully repaid.
  7. The Problem with Metaphors •Metaphors explain something in different terms.

    •“Technical debt is like monetary debt for code.” •But the original point sometimes gets lost in translation.
  8. Origins of the Metaphor •Ward Cunningham •Inventor of the Wiki

    •Worked on Wy Cash •Technical debt: metaphor for finance experts.
  9. What Ward Cunningham Meant •Team learns new facts about the

    domain. •Facts should be represented properly. •So: refactor •If you don’t refactor, you’ll be in debt . https://wiki.c2.com/?WardExplainsDebtMetapWhat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqeJFYwnkjE
  10. What Ward Cunningham Meant •Technical debt = lack of understanding.

    •No conscious decision •Can’t be avoided •Technical debt is meant to be repaid immediately. •Can debt be fully repaid?
  11. Technical Debt Quadrants Reckless Prudent Deliberate “We don’t have time

    for design.” “We must ship now and deal with the consequences (later)” Inadvertent “What’s layering?” “Now we know how we should have done it!”
  12. Quadrants & Decisions •Inadvertent: Technical debt without a conscious decision.

    •Repaying is not so important for Fowler. •Reckless: Probably the #1 reason for debt.
  13. Quadrants & Avoiding Debt •Deliberate decisions “Ship now – deal

    with consequences later” •Might make sense •No design •Stupid (and probably obviously stupid)
  14. Avoiding Debt •Sometimes, debt is OK. •Avoid recklessness! •Do sophisticated

    technical approaches help? •Not sure •Technical debt: a cultural problem?
  15. Technical Debt Just Happens •Often no conscious decision •Technology update

    •Now: simpler way to do something. •Developer leaves company. •Nobody understand the code.
  16. Technical Debt Just Happens If technical debt is not caused

    by conscious decision … how can it help to make conscious decisions?
  17. What does 78d mean? How is it relevant? Is there

    a debt-free system? Should debt be reduced?
  18. No Debt-free Systems •There are different opinions about “ideal” i.e.

    debt- free. •My experience: In every system, there are numerous potential improvements.
  19. No Debt-free Systems •I have yet to see a system

    that couldn’t be optimized. •The question is usually what to fix first. •A complete inventory of technical debt doesn’t help.
  20. Technical Debt is Meaningless •Technical debt = changing code is

    hard. •Irrelevant for code that is not changed
  21. Technical Debt is Meaningless •Diagrams and code might be ugly.

    •Architecture should be led by business decision… not aesthetics.
  22. Technical Debt & Standstill •Some debt is fine •Too much

    technical debt: Standstill •What now? •Rewrite? •Massive, hard to solve problem
  23. Technical Debt & Standstill •Too much technical debt: bankruptcy •How

    much is too much? •Debt invisible •A dangerous game •Does the metaphor communicate a possible sudden bankruptcy?
  24. Conclusion: Problems •Just happens •No debt-free systems •Meaningless - unless

    code is changed. •Does not facilitate decisions. •Risk of a standstill
  25. Quality Investments •Financial metaphor •Managers should be used to think

    and decide about investments. •More than a metaphor: Investing development effort = money
  26. Quality Investments: Pay Off •Should have a pay-off •i.e. higher

    productivity •No investments in code that does not matter! •No investments that are too large to pay off!
  27. Quality Investments: Pay Off •No precise estimates •But rather rough

    ballpark numbers •Helps to justify changes •Helps to evaluate ideas
  28. Investment: Core Domain •How many more stories can we implement?

    •What would the business value be? •Business value might be used to justify stories. •How much do we save on maintenance?
  29. Investment: Core Domain •Stories were worth €10 Mio in business

    value. •Assume we gain 5% productivity. •We could spend €0.5 Mio on those improvements •Management compatible reasoning •Successful in the real world
  30. Investment: Supporting Subdomain •How much do we save on maintenance?

    •Do we gain business value? •E.g. by better support for core domains? •Investment might not be justifiable.
  31. Refactoring •Can be introduced by code retreats, pair programming, mob

    programming … •Done and decided by developers •Really?
  32. Refactoring •Refactoring, tests etc. are a best practice. •I don’t

    want to explain it to non-tech people. •I don’t want to justify it to non-tech people. •Business people should not have to justify business decisions to me. •Why had Ward Cunningham to explain it?
  33. Refactoring •Probably not done if stress level is high. •So

    others can still influence it. •Can lead to bigger changes •Refactor towards a bigger goal… each time a part of the system is changed. •Larger changes: different approach?
  34. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Change to a new architecture •I.e. Domain-driven

    Design •Often starting point for a consulting gig. •Benefits are obviously.
  35. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Goal is clear: New, great architecture! •But

    how to get there? •Sometimes completely unclear
  36. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Estimate effort to redo architecture •Estimate productivity

    increase •Estimates are common in software engineering.
  37. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Huge investment •Can take several years •Team

    will keep current productivity for quite some time. •Project might not implement any features. •Risk
  38. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Investment only make sense if code is

    changed. •Is all of the system relevant enough?
  39. We want to change the architecture entirely! Let’s estimate the

    time Can you really invest 7 year for a big bang rewrite? Estimation based on gut feeling About 7 years
  40. Rewrite / Rearchitect •Smart decision? •Needs management buy-in •Estimate total

    effort roughly •Probably stay away from it •Architecture improvement has to take current status into account!
  41. Incremental Investments •Do several bigger investments •Steps towards a new

    architecture? •But: Each must pay-off •E.g. modernize a part that is changed frequently that is changed anyways
  42. Incremental Investments •Hard to come up with individual steps that

    each pay off. •No hard science, just estimates and guidelines. •Is not improving the situation even an option?
  43. Team Budget •Set aside time to work on quality •Management

    might not care about sustainable pace. •Then the budget assures that something happens. •But: might not support business goals •i.e. investment in the wrong places.
  44. Management Decision •Can prioritize business goals •Ship now vs. invest

    in sustainable pace •But: Might have a bias to SHIP NOW! •Might be the only way to do larger investments.
  45. Links EN •Article about Quality Investments (with Felix Müller) https://www.infoq.com/articles/no-more-technical-debt

    •Podcast Technical Debt with Sven Johann https://www.se- radio.net/2015/04/episode-224-sven-johann-and- eberhard-wolff-on-technical-debt/ •Managing Technical Debt with Sven Johann https://www.infoq.com/articles/managing-technical- debt/
  46. Links DE • Podcast https://www.heise.de/developer/artikel/Episode-73-Technische- Schulden-4771190.html • Blog „Technische Schulden

    entstehen einfach so“ https://www.heise.de/developer/artikel/Technische-Schulden-entstehen- einfach-so-3969279.html • Artikel über Qualitätsinvestitonen mit Felix Müller – DE https://www.sigs- datacom.de/fachzeitschriften/objektspektrum/archiv/artikelansicht/artikel- titel/qualitaetsinvestitionen-statt-technischer-schuldenwarum-wir-eine- neue-metapher-benoetigen.html • Artikel Umgang mit technischen Schulden https://jaxenter.de/der-umgang- mit-technischen-schulden-2548
  47. DE Software Architektur im Stream •Technische Schulden https://software- architektur.tv/2021/02/05/folge37.html •André

    Neubauer - CTO = Chief Technical Debt Owner? https://software-architektur.tv/2021/01/15/folge35.html •Qualitätsszenarien https://software- architektur.tv/2021/07/16/folge67.html •Patterns zu u.a. Refactoring https://software- architektur.tv/2020/12/18/folge033.html