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Lecture 1 - Introduction. Autonomous driving and software testing

February 26, 2021

Lecture 1 - Introduction. Autonomous driving and software testing

"Software Testing for Complex Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Vehicles" online course.

The lecture is available via the link: https://youtu.be/Cbs7x0FtLVg
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February 26, 2021

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  1. 1 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 1 -

    Introduction. Autonomous driving and software testing Software Testing for Complex Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Vehicles Online Course
  2. 3 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Artificial Intelligence and

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  3. 4 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com 2021 IEEE Autonomous

    Driving AI Test Challenge http://av-test-challenge.org/
  4. 5 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Course Overview What

    is this course about? Who is it for? What will I learn in this course? What will I get upon its completion? Autonomous driving and software testing: Syllabus
  5. 6 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com - Software Testing

    - Quality characteristics of complex AI-based systems - Testing approaches needed for complex non-deterministic systems prone to the lack of definite criteria for correct/defective behaviour - An ideal example – autonomous driving - The principles of test automation, requirements for test tools What’s this course about?
  6. 7 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Who is this

    course for? IT Students Software Testing Professionals Specialists interested in AI and ready to solve non-standard tasks
  7. 8 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com No special knowledge

    required Basic knowledge of IT systems is a plus PhD IT basic Who is this course for?
  8. 9 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com - an introduction

    to AI-based software, risks associated with it and the necessity of its comprehensive testing - general knowledge of the software testing basics - an ability to use testing methods on real-life tasks - hands-on experience of using test tools and configuring a test environment - the skill of writing test cases, including automated test cases, and executing them - an ability to analyse and interpret test run results The knowledge and skills provided by the course
  9. 10 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Why join the

    course? Unique knowledge from the Exactpro experts Certificate of completion Get ready to participate in the international challenge on autonomous vehicle testing Cash prize from Exactpro If your submission of Deliverable 1 is accepted for participation in the IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge
  10. 12 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com 1. Autonomous driving

    and software testing 2. Introduction to self-driving cars 3. Application programming interface 4. Foundations of software testing 5. Build Software to Test Software 6. Reliability and safety 7. Software defects and metrics 8. Software negligence and testing coverage Theory
  11. 13 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com 1. Launching the

    LGSVL Simulator 2. Setting up a Python IDE 3. Unit Testing 4. Behavior Driven Development 5. Data and Keyword Driven Testing 6. Data Analysis and Reporting 7. Running Apollo 8. Modeling Test Scenarios Practice
  12. 14 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 2. Introduction

    to self-driving cars - The definition, design, and technology behind self-driving cars. - ‘Levels of driving automation’ in the self-driving vehicles standard released by SAE International. - The history behind the autonomous driving technology and the industry experience in quality assessment of autonomous vehicles. Introduction to self-driving cars
  13. 15 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Application programming interface

    Lecture 3. Application Programming Interface - Application programming interface: the definition and main functions. - API types, examples, industrial context. - The importance of testing APIs as a specific level of interaction within complex multicomponent systems.
  14. 16 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 4. Foundations

    of Software Testing - Absence-of-errors fallacy and other principles of software testing. - Types and levels of software testing. - Understanding of test objectives and methodologies in different schools of thought in the software testing domain.
  15. 17 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Build Software to

    Test Software Lecture 5. Build Software to Test Software - Automation: definition, applicability to different functional areas. - Test automation: testing tools and their types in relation to the basic types of software testing, requirements to their technology sophistication level. - The role of humans in the automation process. Test Library System under test
  16. 18 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Reliability and Safety

    Lecture 6. Reliability and Safety - Software quality characteristics. - Risks associated with software in different functional areas. - Regulatory requirements for the reliability and safety of automated systems. - Ethical aspects of AI-based systems.
  17. 19 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 7. Software

    Defects and Metrics Software Defects and Metrics - Software quality: concept of error, defect, software failure. - Identifying software defects as the main objective of software testing. - Quantitative indicators of software quality: metrics, their types, role in testing process and test management, informational value, and influence on the decision-making process.
  18. 20 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 8. Software

    Negligence and Test Coverage Software Negligence and Test Coverage - The concepts of negligence and malpractice in software development and software testing, the question of the liability for the consequences of software failures. - The impossibility of exhaustive testing principle. Test coverage and its many types.
  19. 22 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Практическое занятие 1.

    Запуск симулятора дороги LGSVL - Introduction to the multi-agent road simulator developed by LG's Research and Development division based on the cross-platform environment for creating video games - Unity. - Overview of installation, launch, and user interface.
  20. 24 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 2. Setting

    up a Python IDE - Setting up an interactive development environment for creating programs in Python. - Using the application programming interface (API) of the LGSVL simulator to control the placement of objects and the movement of vehicles in the simulation, obtain sensor configuration and data, control the weather, time.
  21. 25 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 3. Unit

    Testing - Development of unit tests that allow you to isolate individual parts of the program and check their correctness. - Test creation and execution, building reports using the open source frameworks Pytest and PyUnit. Unit Testing
  22. 26 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 4. Behavior

    Driven Development (BDD) Behaviour Driven Development - Basics of the Behavior Driven Development (BDD) software development methodology. - Using the Gherkin language for defining requirements, use cases and acceptance tests.
  23. 27 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 5. Data

    and Keyword Driven Testing Development of frameworks for testing complex protocol systems using data-driven and keyword-driven approaches. Data and Keyword Driven Testing Test Data Test Script Test Script Expected Output Actual Output Application under test OR Data- driven Keyword- driven
  24. 28 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Processing large volumes

    of test execution data. Practice 6. Data Analysis and Reporting Analysis of data distributions and trends, and anomaly detection. Data Analysis and Reporting
  25. 29 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 7. Running

    Apollo Running Apollo - Configuring and running the Apollo autonomous vehicle simulator. - Working with Docker containers. - Configuring the gateway to connect to the LGSVL road simulator. - Joint launch of simulators and process monitoring of their work.
  26. 30 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Practice 8. Modeling

    Test Scenarios Modeling Test Scenarios Writing the code that controls the Apollo and LGSVL simulators to create behavior scenarios using selected maps, self-driving cars and traffic situations. Test execution and test reports generation. Getting ready to submit Deliverable#1 to 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge.
  27. 31 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com You have watched

    Lecture 1. What’s next? Each week you’ll receive 1 lecture video, take part in 1 Q&A session and 1 workshop. 3 March -– The course launches and the first Q&A session takes place. 5 March -– The first workshop takes place. Remember to prepare for the workshop. After the workshop, you will receive an email with Lecture 2. 15 March -– The deadline for signing up your team for the 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge. 30 April -– The deadline for submitting Deliverable #1 to the 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge.
  28. 32 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com 2021 IEEE Autonomous

    Driving AI Test Challenge: The Official Social Media of the Challenge and its Website Telegram LinkedIn Facebook 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge av-test-challenge.org
  29. 33 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Join our Telegram

    chat, meet your peers, ask questions and get new software testing skills with Exactpro.
  30. 34 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Useful Links AI

    and Software Testing (A4Q) Syllabus Machine Learning Yearning, Andrew Ng 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge “Introduction to Self-Driving Cars” course on Coursera A course on working with Apollo Wikipedia article on self-driving cars Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification by Dorothy Graham, Rex Black, Erik van Veenendaal Software Testing Basics course on Black Box software testing (BBST) ISTQB-CTFL_Syllabus_2018 A series of videos reviewing ISTQB - available on the Exactpro Systems YouTube channel
  31. 35 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Something you have

    to do before Practice 1 https://www.lgsvlsimulator.com/docs/getting-started/ - LGSVL Road Simulator (we recommend that you download the file for your operating system and try to install the simulator ahead of time, before the start of Practice 1.
  32. 36 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Lecture 1 -

    Q&A Session Software Testing for Complex Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Vehicles Online Course
  33. 37 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Course Instructors Iosif

    Itkin CEO & co-founder, Exactpro Rostislav Yavorsky Head of Engineering School, Tomsk State University Elena Treshcheva Researcher, Cincinnati, US Daria Degtyarenko Researcher, Exactpro Svetlana Akopian HR manager, Exactpro Levan Gharibashvili Developer, Exactpro Alexandre Barnabishvili QA Analyst, Exactpro Natia Sirbiladze CEO, Georgia, Exactpro
  34. 38 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com 2021 IEEE Autonomous

    Driving AI Test Challenge http://av-test-challenge.org/
  35. 39 Build Software to Test Software exactpro.com Join our Telegram

    chat, meet your peers, ask questions and get new software testing skills with Exactpro.