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SymfonyCon 2013 Lightning Talk about the Console in 2.5

SymfonyCon 2013 Lightning Talk about the Console in 2.5

Fabien Potencier

December 13, 2013

More Decks by Fabien Potencier

Other Decks in Programming


  1. select ask askConfirmation askHiddenResponse AskAndValidate askHiddenResponseAn dValidate a﬙empts Y Y

    Y Y hidden answer Y Y autocompleter Y Y validator Y Y Y default value Y Y Y Y yes/no Y choices Y
  2. $question->setValidator(function ($value) { if (!empty($value)) { return $value; } throw

    new \InvalidArgumentException( 'You need to provide a non-empty value.'); });
  3. $question = new ChoiceQuestion('Choose a color', array('red', 'blue'), 'blue'); $question->setMultiselect(true);

    $question->setPrompt(' > '); $question->setErrorMessage("That's not a valid color!");
  4. Better feedback when running external processes from a Console application

  5. $callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output) { $output->write($buffer); };

    $process->run(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE < $output- >getVerbosity() ? $callback : null);
  6. $callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output, &$startedOut, &$startedErr) {

    if ('err' === $type) { if (!$startedErr) { $output->write("\n<bg=red;fg=white> ERR </> "); $startedErr = true; $startedOut = false; } $output->write(str_replace("\n", "\n<bg=red;fg=white> ERR </> ", $buffer)); } else { if (!$startedOut) { $output->write("\n<bg=green;fg=white> OUT </> "); $startedOut = true; $startedErr = false; } $output->write(str_replace("\n", "\n<bg=green;fg=white> OUT </> ", $buffer)); } };
  7. $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter'); // start a session $start = $formatter->start($uuid,

    $cmd); $output->write($start); // give some feedback $progress = $formatter->progress($uuid, $buffer, $isError); $output->write($progress); // at the end $stop = $formatter->stop($uuid, $message, $isSuccessful); $output->write($stop); 2.5