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Introduction to Criminal Behaviour

Introduction to Criminal Behaviour

An introduction to psychological explanations of Criminal Behaviour

Florence Ukpabi

November 05, 2012

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  1. Introduction Introduction In this short presentation you will be In

    this short presentation you will be introduced to three basic explanations of introduced to three basic explanations of criminal behaviour. criminal behaviour. Don Don’ ’t worry about trying to learn the t worry about trying to learn the terms now as you will be taught them in terms now as you will be taught them in the next level. the next level.
  2. What is Criminal Psychology? What is Criminal Psychology? Criminal Psychology

    Criminal Psychology covers many areas covers many areas such as: such as: Explanations of Criminal Behaviour How crimes are solved The psychology of criminal justice http://www.flickr.com/photos/d inohyus/6358658533/
  3. Criminal behaviour is different to is different to antisocial behaviour.

    . An antisocial act isn An antisocial act isn’ ’t always criminal, and a t always criminal, and a criminal act may not be antisocial. criminal act may not be antisocial.
  4. Criminal behaviour is linked to violating explicit regulations and laws.

    e.g. travelling without a ticket e.g. travelling without a ticket
  5. Antisocial behaviour Antisocial behaviour is more concerned is more concerned

    with with breaking explicit and implicit social norms and rules. and rules. e.g. spitting in public e.g. spitting in public
  6. Psychologists Psychologists explain criminal explain criminal behaviour using behaviour using

    psychological psychological approaches. approaches. Approaches or Approaches or perspectives are perspectives are distinct distinct ‘ ‘schools of schools of thought thought’ ’. . http://www.flickr.com/photo s/psychpics/4626527012/
  7. Believes that Believes that criminality is criminality is linked to

    the linked to the bodily functions bodily functions and physiological and physiological processes processes e.g. genetics e.g. genetics The Biological Approach The Biological Approach http://www.flickr.com/photos/ wheatfields/2073336603/
  8. Believes that Believes that criminality is criminality is linked to

    linked to learning learning and our and our environment environment e.g. e.g. Peer pressure Negative role models The Behavioural Approach The Behavioural Approach http://www.flickr.com/photos/m kuram/5961100771/
  9. Believes that Believes that criminality is criminality is linked to

    the linked to the effect of early effect of early childhood childhood experiences e.g. experiences e.g. Unhealthy family Unhealthy family relationships relationships The Psychoanalytic Approach The Psychoanalytic Approach http://www.flickr.com/photos /pinksherbet/428525352/
  10. Of course no approach is 100% correct, Of course no

    approach is 100% correct, criminal behaviour is very complex. criminal behaviour is very complex. Even so, psychological explanations are Even so, psychological explanations are useful in providing a framework for useful in providing a framework for understanding criminal and antisocial understanding criminal and antisocial behaviour. behaviour.