this short presentation you will be introduced to a theory of criminal introduced to a theory of criminal behaviour based on the psychoanalytic behaviour based on the psychoanalytic approach. approach. Once again, don Once again, don’ ’t worry about trying to t worry about trying to learn the terms now as you will be taught learn the terms now as you will be taught them in the next level. them in the next level.
the founder of the founder of psychoanalysis psychoanalysis (analysis of the (analysis of the psyche). psyche). os/psychpics/3428924352/
human psyche Freud believed that the human psyche consisted of 3 parts: Id, Ego and consisted of 3 parts: Id, Ego and Superego. Superego. che.html
child: Like a spoilt child: Self-centred Focused on and driven by pleasure Unconscious zone Present from birth os/skylerbug/353943801/
parent or Like a strict parent or teacher: teacher: society-centred Focused on morality Conscious & unconscious created via socialisation otos/katiew/320161805/
in in crimes of the crimes of the flesh flesh and hedonistic, and hedonistic, self self- -centred centred behaviours behaviours. . e.g. rape, abuse, e.g. rape, abuse, robbery robbery hotos/xtyler/305426546 4/
you have been introduced to one psychoanalytic explanation of criminal psychoanalytic explanation of criminal behaviour. Let behaviour. Let’ ’s learn some more key s learn some more key terms. terms.