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GroupRaise Learning Fridays: Hows and whys of v...

GroupRaise Learning Fridays: Hows and whys of version control

A. Felipe Cabargas Madrid

September 01, 2017

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  1. LF - 09/01/2017 VERSION CONTROL ▸ CTRL+Z on steroids. ▸

    Keeps track of all the changes in a project, including autor information and timestamps. ▸ Version Control is not limited to git.
  2. GIT

  3. LF - 09/01/2017 GITHUB ▸ Functions as a central hub

    from which teams sync. ▸ Adds extra features on top of git: ▸ Teams ▸ Permissions ▸ Pull Requests ▸ Wikis ▸ Extra security features ▸ Static website free hosting ▸ Integrations with CI/CD tools and other services
  4. WHY

  5. HOW