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Layers Layers Layers

Layers Layers Layers

JA - Judge Conference Denmark - Online

A. Felipe Cabargas Madrid

August 09, 2023

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  1. FELIPE CABARGAS • Software Engineer based in CPH. • Moved

    to Denmark from Chile in 2019. • Player since 2016, Judge since 2017. • cEDH player that can’t keep a list intact for more than a week (Yidris is bae). • cEDH commentator for the Tier1Con 2022. • Blue Player: Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Hola a tod@s!
  2. Layers: What? • Layers are the way the Comprehensive Rules

    have to deal with multiple Continuous Effects (CR 613) when these are trying to apply to the same object. • There is 7 layers de fi ned in the rules (CR 613.1). FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  3. FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023 The 7 Layers of

    Magic* • Copy • Control • Text change • Type change • Color change • Ability Addition or Removal • P/T
  4. Layers: How? • Layers apply in descending order. • When

    a card would apply effects in more than one layer, the effects are applied in the order the layers are in. • If multiple effects apply on the same layer, timestamp is used to determine the one that applies*** • Unless is a dependency 😰 FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  5. Layers & Sub-layers Layer 1: Copiable values (CR 613.2) •

    1a — Copiable effects are applied: Copy effects, merging with Permanents (CR 725) • 1b — Face down spells and permanents have their characteristics modi fi ed as de fi ned in rule 708.2. FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  6. Layers & Sub-layers Layers 2-6: Control, Text, Type, Color and

    Abilities (CR 613.3) • CDAs apply fi rst: What? FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  7. CDA: Characteristic Defining Abilities Static abilities that meet the following

    criteria: • De fi nes COLOR, TYPE, SUBTYPE, POWER or THOUGHNESS. • Is printed on the card it affects, or was given by the effect that created the permanent or as the result of the copy effect or text- changing effect. • It doesn’t affect the characteristics of other objects. • Is not an ability an object grants to itself. • Has conditional strings attached to such characteristics.
  8. Layers & Sub-layers Layers 2-6: Control, Text, Type, Color and

    Abilities (CR 613.3) • CDAs apply fi rst. • All other in timestamp order. FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  9. Layers & Sub-layers Layer 7: P/T (CR 613.4) • 7a

    — CDAs apply fi rst. • 7b — Effects that set P/T to a speci fi c number or value. • 7c — Effects that modify P/T (+/+, +/-, -/+, -/-) • 7d — Effects that switch P/T FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  10. Dependencies • Separate system from the description above. • Overrides

    Timestamp when resolving a con fl ict between 2 effects on the same layer. • Commonly referred as “X always wins” during gameplay (Blood Moon & Urborg) FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023
  11. Dependencies FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023 613.8. Within a

    layer or sublayer, determining which order effects are applied in is sometimes done using a dependency system. If a dependency exists, it will override the timestamp system. 613.8a An effect is said to “depend on” another if (a) it’s applied in the same layer (and, if applicable, sublayer) as the other effect; (b) applying the other would change the text or the existence of the fi rst effect, what it applies to, or what it does to any of the things it applies to; and (c) neither effect is from a characteristic-de fi ning ability or both effects are from characteristic-de fi ning abilities. Otherwise, the effect is considered to be independent of the other effect. 613.8b An effect dependent on one or more other effects waits to apply until just after all of those effects have been applied. If multiple dependent effects would apply simultaneously in this way, they’re applied in timestamp order relative to each other. If several dependent effects form a dependency loop, then this rule is ignored and the effects in the dependency loop are applied in timestamp order. 613.8c After each effect is applied, the order of remaining effects is reevaluated and may change if an effect that has not yet been applied becomes dependent on or independent of one or more other effects that have not yet been applied
  12. Dependencies • If Effect A changes Effect B (what, how,

    if it applies) then Effect B is DEPENDENT on Effect A. • Effect A is applied, then we check again to see if there’s still dependencies, otherwise apply with Timestamp. • If Effect A and B are dependent on each other, ignore dependencies and apply based on Timestamp. FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023 Suppose Effect A and B apply on the same layer:
  13. Magus of the Moon applies on Layer 4, so its

    ability is applied before Humility. Therefore, when Humility applies the fi rst effect, it doesn’t remove Magus’s ability. Then Magus becomes a 1/1.
  14. Layer 4+6+7 First lands become Elemental creatures (Layer 4), then

    they get Reach, Indestructible and Haste (Layer 6), fi nally becoming 2/2 (Layer 7)
  15. Dependencies • If Effect A changes Effect B (what, how,

    if it applies) then Effect B is DEPENDENT on Effect A. FELIPE CABARGAS - AUGUST 9TH, 2023 Suppose Effect A and B apply on the same layer:
  16. If Blood Moon is applied fi rst, then Urborg doesn’t

    have any abilities. Therefore, Urborg is dependent on Blood Moon. In other words: Blood Moon Wins
  17. These cards don’t interact with each other directly, so timestamp

    would be used if it was just these two. No dependency (for now!)
  18. If Ashaya is applied fi rst, Blood Moon behaviour changes

    (now it applies to the Land Creatures) Therefore, Blood Moon is dependent on Ashaya.
  19. If Ashaya is applied fi rst, Dryad changes (his effect

    now applies to the Land Creatures) Therefore, Dryad is dependent on Ashaya
  20. Both of the other cards depend on Ashaya, so Ashaya

    is applied: Dryad is a Forest, and now we check again for dependencies.
  21. If Blood Moon is applied fi rst, then Dryad (now

    a non-basic Land Creature) doesn’t have any abilities. Dryad is dependant on Blood Moon.