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Customer Care by David DiCara

October 05, 2012

Customer Care by David DiCara


October 05, 2012


  1. ©DiCara Associates Dec 2011 2 Excellence in Customer Care Customers

    are the most important part of your business your business cannot exist without them Treat them like treasures Show you care about them
  2. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 3 Excellence in Customer Care

    You must know and understand your customers, what they want and how they feel about you understanding will help you deliver the right product in the right way at all times
  3. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 4 Excellence in Customer Care

    Customer service is the process of delivering your goods and services to your customers Customer care is the attitude with which they are delivered how that attitude is perceived by them Make sure that perception is as good as it can be
  4. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 5 Excellence in Customer Care

    Treat your customers as you would wish to be treated when you are a customer yourself  consider your last shopping experience, did you feel the supplier cared about you?
  5. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 6 Excellence in Customer Care

    Good customer care is less about what you do and more about how you do it even if you do the wrong thing you can still maintain good customer relations
  6. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 7 Excellence in Customer Care

    You only get one opportunity to make a first impression Make sure it is as good as it can be
  7. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 8 Excellence in Customer Care

    Your customers expect good service don’t expect praise when you deliver it. They don’t expect bad service, so expect complaints if that is what you give them Manage customer expectations, be specific about what you do
  8. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 9 Excellence in Customer Care

    Customers generally don’t want to or like to complain Deal with them speedily, sympathetically and without rancour Learn from every complaint
  9. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 10 Excellence in Customer Care

    It is considerably more expensive to gain a new customer than the keep an existing one Research has shown between 5-10 times the cost
  10. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 11 Excellence in Customer Care

    In a difficult market place quality customer care can give you a distinct edge over other businesses And it needn’t cost you a penny extra!
  11. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 12 Excellence in Customer Care

    Investment in improving customer care will reap rewards  better customer retention  increased business growth  improved profitability and a happier working environment for all
  12. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 13 Excellence in Customer Care

    Keep your promises do what you said you would do when you said you would do it Better to under promise and over deliver
  13. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 14 Excellence in Customer Care

    Customer trust and confidence can take an age to build and only an instant to destroy Confidence breeds loyalty
  14. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 15 Excellence in Customer Care

    Good customer care requires total commitment by everyone in the organisation from the Board to the shop floor A partial buy-in will NOT work
  15. © DiCara Associates Dec 2011 16 Excellence in Customer Care

    Where is the rocket science?  Smile  Say hello  Engage  Say please  Say thank you  Say goodbye  Smile