You must know and understand your customers, what they want and how they feel about you understanding will help you deliver the right product in the right way at all times
Customer service is the process of delivering your goods and services to your customers Customer care is the attitude with which they are delivered how that attitude is perceived by them Make sure that perception is as good as it can be
Treat your customers as you would wish to be treated when you are a customer yourself consider your last shopping experience, did you feel the supplier cared about you?
Good customer care is less about what you do and more about how you do it even if you do the wrong thing you can still maintain good customer relations
Your customers expect good service don’t expect praise when you deliver it. They don’t expect bad service, so expect complaints if that is what you give them Manage customer expectations, be specific about what you do
Investment in improving customer care will reap rewards better customer retention increased business growth improved profitability and a happier working environment for all