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MCQMC 2018 July 4 Rennes

Fred J. Hickernell
July 04, 2018

MCQMC 2018 July 4 Rennes

Minisymposium talk on when to stop a simulation, comparing Bayesian and deterministic perspectives and illustrating how to use fast transforms with low discrepancy designs

Fred J. Hickernell

July 04, 2018


  1. Fast Adaptive Bayesian Cubature Using Low Discrepancy Sampling: A Cross-Cultural

    Talk Fred J. Hickernell and R. Jagadeeswaran Department of Applied Mathematics Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation Illinois Institute of Technology [email protected] mypages.iit.edu/~hickernell Thanks to the GAIL team, NSF-DMS-1522687 and NSF-DMS-1638521 (SAMSI) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, July 4, 2018
  2. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References When Do We Stop? Compute an integral µ(f) = [0,1]d f(x) dx Bayesian inference, financial risk, statistical physics, ... Desired: An adaptive algorithm, ^ µ(·, ·) Based on a design scheme {xi }∞ i=1 and a sequence of sample sizes N = {n1 , n2 , . . .} ⊆ N With a stopping criterion that examines {(xi , f(xi ))}nj i=1 for j ∈ N, and chooses n ∈ N So that ^ µ(f, ε) is some function of {(xi , f(xi ))}n i=1 Satisfying µ(f) − ^ µ(f, ε) ε with high probability ∀ε > 0, reasonable f And ^ µ(af + b, aε) = a^ µ(f, ε) + b for all a > 0 and all b 2/11
  3. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References When Do We Stop? Compute an integral µ(f) = [0,1]d f(x) dx Bayesian inference, financial risk, statistical physics, ... Desired: An adaptive algorithm, ^ µ(·, ·) Based on a design scheme {xi }∞ i=1 and a sequence of sample sizes N = {n1 , n2 , . . .} ⊆ N With a stopping criterion that examines {(xi , f(xi ))}nj i=1 for j ∈ N, and chooses n ∈ N So that ^ µ(f, ε) is some function of {(xi , f(xi ))}n i=1 Satisfying µ(f) − ^ µ(f, ε) ε with high probability ∀ε > 0, reasonable f And ^ µ(af + b, aε) = a^ µ(f, ε) + b for all a > 0 and all b Goal for this talk: Bayesian approach to cubature How the deterministic approach mimics it How to compute quantities fast 2/11
  4. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f ∼ GP(m, s2Cθ ) Defining c0 = [0,1]d [0,1]d Cθ(t, x) dtdx, c = [0,1]d Cθ(t, xi ) dt n i=1 , C = Cθ(xi , xj ) n i,j=1 , f = f(xi ) n i=1 it follows that µ|(f = y) ∼ N m(1 − cTC−11) + cTC−1y, s2(c0 − cTC−1c →0 as n→∞ ) This suggests an unbiased rule: µ|(f = y) = E[µ|(f = y)] = m(1 − cTC−11) + cTC−1y with a stopping criterion n = min nj ∈ N : 2.582s2[c0 − cTC−1c] ε2, j ∈ N , yielding a credible interval Pf [|µ − ^ µ(f, ε)| ε] 99%. To get a numerical answer we must determine m, s2, and θ 3/11
  5. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f ∼ GP(m, s2Cθ ) c = [0,1]d [0,1]d Cθ(t, x) dtdx, c = [0,1]d Cθ(t, xi ) dt n i=1 , C = Cθ(xi , xj ) n i,j=1 , f = f(xi ) n i=1 Empirical Bayes (MLE) θMLE = argmin θ log yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y + 1 n log (det(C)) µMLE |(f = y) = (1 − cTC−11)1T 1TC−11 + cT C−1y nMLE = min nj ∈ N : 2.582 nj [c0 − cTC−1c] × yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 4/11
  6. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f ∼ GP(m, s2Cθ ) c = [0,1]d [0,1]d Cθ(t, x) dtdx, c = [0,1]d Cθ(t, xi ) dt n i=1 , C = Cθ(xi , xj ) n i,j=1 , f = f(xi ) n i=1 Empirical Bayes (MLE) θMLE = argmin θ log yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y + 1 n log (det(C)) µMLE |(f = y) = (1 − cTC−11)1T 1TC−11 + cT C−1y nMLE = min nj ∈ N : 2.582 nj [c0 − cTC−1c] × yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 Full Bayes θFull =???, µFull |(f = y) = µMLE |(f = y) Conjugate priors nFull = min nj ∈ N : t2 nj−1,0.995 nj − 1 (1 − cTC−11)2 1TC−11 + (c0 − cTC−1c) on m, s2 ×yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 4/11
  7. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f ∼ GP(m, s2Cθ ) Empirical Bayes (MLE) θMLE = argmin θ log yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y + 1 n log (det(C)) µMLE |(f = y) = (1 − cTC−11)1T 1TC−11 + cT C−1y nMLE = min nj ∈ N : 2.582 nj [c0 − cTC−1c] × yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 Full Bayes θFull =???, µFull |(f = y) = µMLE |(f = y) Conjugate priors nFull = min nj ∈ N : t2 nj−1,0.995 nj − 1 (1 − cTC−11)2 1TC−11 + (c0 − cTC−1c) on m, s2 ×yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 Generalized s2 GCV =???, µGCV |(f = y) = (1 − cTC−11)1TC−1 1TC−21 + cT C−1y Cross Validation θGCV = argmin θ log yT C−2 − C−211TC−2 1TC−21 y − 2 log trace(C−1) 4/11
  8. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f in Hilbert Space H, Which Has Reproducing Kernel Cθ Defining c = (C(·, xi ))n i=1 , f = cTC−1(y − m1) = minimum norm interpolant of f − m|f = y and choosing m to minimize f H yields µDet |(f = y) = [0,1]d [m + f(x)] dx = (1 − cTC−11)1T 1TC−11 + cT C−1y = µMLE |(f = y) Using reproducing kernel Hilbert space analysis |µ − ^ µ| c0 − cTC−1C →0 as n→∞ f − m − f H →0 as n→∞ The stopping criterion nDet = min nj ∈ N : 2.582 nj [c0 − cTC−1c] × yT C−1 − C−111TC−1 1TC−11 y ε2 = nMLE guarantees |µ − ^ µ(f, ε)| ε provided that f − m − f H 2.58 √ n f H 5/11
  9. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Assuming f in Hilbert Space H, Which Has Reproducing Kernel Cθ As before, let f(·|f = z) denote the minimum norm interpolant of f − m|f = z with m chosen to mimimize f(·|f = z) H . Then choose the parameter θ defining the reproducing kernel to be θDet = argmin θ vol     z ∈ Rn : f(·|f = z) H f(·|f = y) H ellipsoid     = θMLE 6/11
  10. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References To Make This Approach Practical Choose covariance/reproducing kernels that match the low discrepancy design c0 = [0,1]d [0,1]d Cθ(t, x) dtdx = 1, c = [0,1]d Cθ(t, xi ) dt n i=1 = 1, C = Cθ(xi , xj ) n i,j=1 = 1 n VΛVH Λ = diag(λ), V1 = v1 = 1, VTz is O(n log n), λ = VTC1 , C−11 = 1 λ1 Work with the fast transformed data, ^ y = VTy, where y = f(xi ) n i=1 , it follows that ^ µMLE = ^ µFull = ^ µGCV = ^ µDet = 1 n n i=1 f(xi ) θMLE = θDet = argmin θ n log n i=2 |yi |2 λi + n i=1 log(λi ) θGCV = argmin θ log n i=2 |yi |2 λ2 i − 2 log n i=1 1 λi Rathinavel, J. & H., F. J. Automatic Bayesian Cubature. in preparation. 2018+. 7/11
  11. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References To Make This Approach Practical (cont’d) c0 = [0,1]d [0,1]d Cθ(t, x) dtdx = 1, c = [0,1]d Cθ(t, xi ) dt n i=1 = 1, C = Cθ(xi , xj ) n i,j=1 = 1 n VΛVH Λ = diag(λ), V1 = v1 = 1, VTz is O(n log n), λ = VTC1 , C−11 = 1 λ1 Work with the fast transformed data, ^ y = VTy, where y = f(xi ) n i=1 , it follows that nMLE = min    nj ∈ N : 2.58 nj 1 − nj λ1 1 nj n i=2 |yi |2 λi ε    nFull = min    nj ∈ N : tnj−1,0.995 nj − 1 λ1 nj − nj λ1 2 + 1 − nj λ1 1 nj n i=2 |yi |2 λi ε    Rathinavel, J. & H., F. J. Automatic Bayesian Cubature. in preparation. 2018+. 8/11
  12. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Form of Matching Covariance Kernels Typically the domain of f is [0, 1)d, and C(t, x) = C(x − t mod 1) integration lattices C(x ⊕ t) Sobol’ sequences, ⊕ means digitwise addition modulo 2 E.g., for integration lattices C(x, t) = d k=1 [1 − θ1 (−1)θ2 B2θ2 (xk − tk mod 1)], θ1 > 0, θ2 ∈ N 9/11
  13. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Summary Bayesian cubature leads to data-based stopping criteria There are a variety of ways to fit the covariance kernels Deterministic cubature mimics Bayesian cubature, even in the stopping rules Matching kernels to the sampling scheme makes this pratical 10/11
  14. Introduction Bayesian Cubature Deterministic Cubature Matching Kernels to Designs Summary

    References Rathinavel, J. & H., F. J. Automatic Bayesian Cubature. in preparation. 2018+. 11/11