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Introducing Mailcoach

Introducing Mailcoach

Freek Van der Herten

January 08, 2020

More Decks by Freek Van der Herten

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me Freek Van der Herten Partner & developer at

    SPATIE @freekmurze freek.dev ohdear.app flareapp.io fullstackeurope.com
  2. Open source ± 250 packages on Packagist ± 55 000

    000 downloads total, ± 3 500 000 downloads a month Postcardware
  3. Mailcoach A premium Laravel package Campaigns, email lists, open &

    click tracking Can use SES, Mailgun, Sendgrid to send out mails Can be installed as a stand alone app, or as a Laravel package Modern codebase that uses PHP 7.4
  4. Mailcoach is a cost effective solution Can be customised easily

    Will be available in February Video course