1933) was an internationally acclaimed humanitarian who saved literally millions of lives with his food relief programmes, during and after the First World War and during the Second World War.
March 1938, that "another World War would probably destroy the British Empire" and that British involvement in the war must be avoided at all costs. Self-Destructive
that Americans should harden their resolves to "keep out of other peoples wars" and "We should convince Europe that this is our policy. Keep Out of Other Peoples Wars
of patronage, budgetary trickery, propaganda and repulsive demonization of the New Deal opponents – to the point that our very system of self-government is in danger."
informed the House of Commons that the British Government had provided a unilateral war guarantee to Poland, if their territory was threatened, Throwing Western Civilisation Under the Steam Roller
Poland, the British had committed a gigantic blunder – the greatest in their history. They have gotten in the way of the inevitable war between Hitler and Stalin." Gigantic Political Blunder
"threat to America's peace and well-being" was not coming from Berlin, or London, but "Washington D.C., in the devious, meddlesome diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt." The Greatest Threat
delivery of food to any blockaded countries and that civilian observers from neutral countries be stationed in belligerent countries to determine the facts and ensure that no civilians are bombed from the air.
neutral, holding the light of liberty and the standards of decency in the world, devoted to Law, economic co-operation, moral influence, a reduction of armaments, and relief for victims of persecution. A Positive Foreign Policy
became a belligerent involved in these "foreign wars". He emphasised that there is no issue in Europe that America should go to war over. "Whatever our sympathies are, we cannot solve the problems of Europe."
according to the laws of the United States, its president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was shipping colossal quantities (billions of Dollars' worth) of military weapons to Stalin's dictatorship in the Soviet Union.
acts of" economic sabotage marked a "radical departure" in American foreign policy - undermining liberty by "unconstrained executive power." Inflaming Emotions
faced a Soviet Army of 5, 774,000. The Soviet Union had 316 divisions, 117,600 artillery pieces, 25,700 tanks and 18,700 combat air craft. The Largest Conflict In History
600,000 motor vehicles and 750,000 horses for the German and European volunteers of this operation to liberate Russia from communism and end the Soviet threat to Europe.
USA. An opinion poll conducted in July, for example, found 54 percent of the respondents were opposed to aiding the USSR. Roosevelt persisted, however and vast quantities of aid continued to flow….
Russia /USSR was delivered. The Arctic convoys to Murmansk and Archangel were by far the most dangerous, but more than 50 percent of the supplies went by ship via the Pacific. American cargo ships flying the flag of the Soviet Union steamed to Vladivostok and unloaded supplies to be transported along the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Soviet assembly plants in the Urals
into Russia. That route was made possible by the completion in 1939 of the Trans-Iranian Railroad, which linked the Persian Gulf with points all over Iran including the Russian border
Cape of Good Hope and unload their cargoes at ports in both Iraq and Iran. That route was responsible for deliveries of approximately 25 percent of the total supplies sent to Russia.
convoys to Murmansk . PQ-17 convoy in mid-1942 saw 24 merchantmen sunk out of 35 dispatched along with the loss of 153 seamen, 210 aircraft, 430 tanks and 100,000 tons of munitions.
the merchantman Olopana approached survivors of the sunken Washington, those sailors refused rescue, figuring their odds of survival were greater in lifeboats on the open sea than on a fresh target for the Germans !
States in fomenting the Second World War, escalating it, bailing out and supporting the worst mass-murdering dictatorship in the world, Stalin's Soviet Union, Treacherous Betrayal of Liberty
Europe would have remained unscathed had it not attempted to stop Germany's eastward push to reclaim its lands and people taken away by the vindictive Versailles Treaty. Interference
Churchill gave communism legitimacy, and provided the essential support that prevented the Soviet Union from collapsing as Operation Barbarossa was launched. Supporting Communism
Stalin alliance: the Yalta Conference agreement ceding the Kurile Islands and Sakhalin Island to Russia (in exchange for promised help, of dubious value, against Japan); Selling Out China to Communism
Hoover that president Franklin Delano Roosevelt had provoked the war in the Pacific against Japan by economic warfare and the total blockade on oil and rubber and other essential strategic materials,
Communist agents in U.S. government positions play in Roosevelt's policies? The United States Administration of FDR was riddled with communist agents. Communist Infiltration
War and Its Aftermath originated as a volume of Hoover's memoirs, a book initially focused on his battle against President Roosevelt's foreign policies before Pearl Harbour. Expanding the Soviet Empire
his scope to include Roosevelt's disastrous foreign policies during the war, as well as the war's consequences: the expansion of the Soviet empire at war's end and the eruption of the Cold War.
excoriation of… Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his foreign policy... the words will be jarring to many who today regard World War II in uniformly heroic terms." Tim Ferguson, Forbes A Shocking Exposé
become one of the key historical documents of the mid-20th century, challenging many long-accepted interpretations of events." James E. Person Jr, The Washington Times One of the Key Historic Documents
men around him as politicians who lied prodigiously about their desire to keep America out of war, even as they took one deliberate step after another to take us into war." Pat Buchanan, "Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbour?", Townhall.com A Searing Indictment
mid- twentieth century, Herbert Hoover's book succeeds in bringing that history back to life and in forcing us to think about it in ways that will surely be unfamiliar to many." Tom Bethell, "Revisionist History That Matters", The American Spectator Challenging
history, and is heavily researched and footnoted. Its publication is a monumental moment in the history of presidential writings, and Nash deserves credit for his persistence and dedication in shaping it." Gerald J. Russello, "Herbert Hoover, Revisionist", The University Bookman Monumental
dean of Herbert Hoover studies, has brought forth a very rare manuscript in Freedom Betrayed. Here is Hoover unplugged, delineating on everything from the ‘lost statesmanship' of FDR to the Korean War. A truly invaluable work of presidential history. Highly recommended." Douglas Brinkley, professor of History at Rice University and editor of The Reagan Diaries Invaluable
an unparalleled picture of Hoover's worldview, one long shared by many conservatives. Nash's thorough and perceptive introduction shows why he remains America's leading Hoover scholar." Justus D. Doenecke, author of Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939-1941
thinking that the accepted history should be reconsidered and perhaps revised." John Earl Haynes, author of Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
that 'The past is never dead. It's not even past.' For those who might think that history has settled the mantle of consensus around the events of the World War II era, Hoover's iconoclastic narrative will come as an unsettling reminder that much controversy remains. Tragic Consequences Exposed
acerbic and unfailingly provocative, Hoover opens some old wounds and inflicts a few new ones of his own, while assembling a passionate case for the tragic errors of Franklin Roosevelt's diplomacy.
Stanford University and the author of Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 Freedom Betrayed is must-read for anyone interested in the most consequential upheaval of the twentieth century.”
to expose the lost statesmanship that, in Hoover's eyes, needlessly drew the United States into the Second World War and, in the aftermath, facilitated the rise to global power of its ideological rival, the Soviet Union.
strikes - nearly a half-century after it was readied. The former president's interpretation of the conduct and consequences of the Second World War may not entirely persuade most readers.
history, Freedom Betrayed ‘ challenges us to think afresh about our past.' Bertrand M. Patenaude, author of A Wealth of Ideas: Revelations from the Hoover Institution Archives
the ultimate revisionist historian, prosecuting his heavily documented indictment of US foreign policy before, during, and after the Second World War. An Indictment of U.S. Foreign Policy
volume, published even as Americans of the twenty-first century debate their moral and military obligations." Richard Norton Smith, presidential historian and author, former director of several presidential libraries, and current scholar-in-residence at George Mason University.
we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted… Now all these things happened to them as examples and they were written for our admonition…" 1 Corinthians 10:6-11
rediscover the real facts, the real people and the real history - so that we might counter satan's deceptions of the nations. Facts are Stubborn Things