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JK Centre for Ageing Better

Future Years
January 10, 2021

JK Centre for Ageing Better

Future Years

January 10, 2021

More Decks by Future Years

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  1. Centre for Ageing Better The context Recent internet use in

    those aged 65 to 74 increased from 52% in 2011 to 83% in 2019 Recent internet users, UK, 2011 and 2019 Source: ONS Internet users, UK:2019
  2. Centre for Ageing Better But many people are still not

    online… – In 2019, there were 4 million people who had never used the internet. Of these, the vast majority (3.7 million) are aged 55 and over Sources: ONS Internet Users, UK: 2019
  3. Centre for Ageing Better While age does play a part,

    it’s not the only indicator of who’s online Source: Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2019 – A fifth of those who have not used the internet within the past three months are under the age of 50 – 71% of those offline have no more than a secondary education – Nearly half of those offline [47%] are from low-income households
  4. Centre for Ageing Better – Almost 4 in 5 people

    agree that COVID-19 has escalated the need for digital skills Being online has been especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic 4 out of 5 78% Source: Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 – Around 80% people agree that using technology has been a vital support during the coronavirus outbreak
  5. Centre for Ageing Better Impact of COVID-19 How has COVID-19

    changed the landscape of digital inclusion for people in mid to later life?
  6. Centre for Ageing Better Homes – Internet connectivity – Access

    to internet in the home during the pandemic has been fundamental to our ability to daily lives – Yet many older people live in homes that still don’t have internet access
  7. Centre for Ageing Better Work – Searching for work: Applying

    to jobs online from home has been crucial. Yet many over 50s still rely on offline methods and less digitally confident jobseekers, and those without online access, will struggle – Employment support and claiming benefits: those without online access and digital skills will have received the least support to search for and apply to jobs and yet will be at highest risk of losing their benefits – Reskilling: if unemployment continues to rise and industries that were already in decline do not recover, access to digital skills will be even more important for those seeking to retrain
  8. Centre for Ageing Better Health – Physical activity: social distancing

    measures have meant many more people becoming less physically active. Offline resources to support people to remain active are significantly more limited – Telehealth: the pandemic has moved many more health consultations with GPs or specialists online. – COVID-19 health information: the information and guidance about how we should act in response to Covid-19 is largely online
  9. Centre for Ageing Better – Access to equipment and internet:

    With libraries and other sources of free Wi-Fi closed during lockdown, some people have lost their online access – Community participation: When the pandemic first hit, many local community groups switched to supporting people virtually. This risks further excluding those who cannot get online – Move to online only services: The move to virtual banking, shopping and public services has been massively accelerated during the outbreak. As many services move to ‘digital by default’, it’s important service providers remember their responsibility to people offline Communities
  10. Centre for Ageing Better 8 principles 1. Flexibility and relevance:

    structured, skills-focused courses won’t work. Concentrate on helping people to do the things they need and want to do online. 2. The right pace: older learners will pick up information and will progress their learning at different paces – responsive approach is key 3. Repetition and reflection: creating space for repetition and reflection on success is vital to success 4. The right language: avoid jargon and focus on the task, not the tech 5. One-to-one support: a strong tutor-pupil relationship is key to building confidence. 6. Time to build relationships: time to build communication and trust helps to maintain learners’ interest in digital and increase their self efficacy. 7. Ongoing support: support needs to be open-ended, allowing learners to return with questions and problems. 8. Co-design: involve a wide range of users in the shaping and design of all services, new and existing, to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.
  11. Centre for Ageing Better Addressing the digital divide: recommendations Source:

    Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2019 – Make provisions for those not online – Make technology accessible – Provide equipment and internet access – Invest in building digital skills – Provide a central resource bank for digital champions – Integrate digital skills assessments into other support