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A Perfect Shitstorm

Futur Immédiat
January 22, 2024

A Perfect Shitstorm

Futur Immédiat

January 22, 2024


  1. 228 7" 11" 15" 2000" 2005" 2010" 2015" 9"Seconds" ?

    Average attention span since public internet Idiocracy Attention Fragmentation
  2. 238 “A Successful person isn’t necessarily better than her less

    successful peers at solving problems; Her pattern recognition facilities have just learned what problems are worth solving.” Ray Kurzweil
  3. “This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered

    as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us” Western Union internal memo (1876)
  4. “I think there is a world market for maybe five

    computers” Thomas Watson, IBM Chairman (1943)
  5. “There is no reason why anyone would want a computer

    in their home” Ken Olsen Digital Equipement Corp. Founder (1977)
  6. “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get

    any significant market share.” Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO (April 2007)
  7. “Is Netflix a threat? Is the Albanian army going to

    take over the world?” Jeffery Bewkles CEO Time Warner, (2010)
  8. < < Chaotic Systems Of 2 Types Hard to predict

    Level 1 chaotic system is chaos that does not react to predictions
  9. < Chaotic Systems Of 2 Types Hard to predict <

    Level 2 chaotic system is chaos that does react to predictions
  10. < VUCA Unexpected Unstable Unknown duration Cause and effects unknown

    Many interconnections
 Large volume Casual relationships unclear Unknown unknowns