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First Contact to Flutter

January 07, 2021

First Contact to Flutter


January 07, 2021

More Decks by Moro

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  1. Summary - Overview - What a Flutter Project looks like?

    - Comparing an Android Native Project to the same Flutter Version - Tutorials and References to Learn Flutter
  2. Summary - Overview - What a Flutter Project looks like?

    - Comparing an Android Native Project to the same Flutter Version - Tutorials and References to Learn Flutter
  3. Overview - What is Flutter? Flutter is a UI toolkit

    to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web and desktop from a single codebase - How it works? Is there something related to Dart Language? Yes, Dart is the language used to build Flutter apps. 4
  4. Overview - Initial Release: May 2017. - Who’s using Flutter?

    - According to https://flutter.dev/ , the organizations that are using Flutter are: 5
  5. Summary - Overview - What a Flutter Project looks like?

    - Comparing an Android Native Project to the same Flutter Version - Tutorials and References to Learn Flutter
  6. How a Flutter Project looks like? app lib <directory> pubspec.yaml

    <file> android <directory> ios <directory> Dart code 8
  7. How a Flutter Project looks like? app lib <directory> pubspec.yaml

    <file> android <directory> ios <directory> Configuration file 9
  8. How a Flutter Project looks like? app lib <directory> pubspec.yaml

    <file> android <directory> ios <directory> Generated files 10
  9. Summary - Overview - What a Flutter Project looks like?

    - Comparing an Android Native Project to the same Flutter Version - Tutorials and References to Learn Flutter
  10. What are the Disadvantages of Flutter? (In my opinion) -

    Sometimes the debugger in Android Studio doesn’t work; - Code depth is high mainly in UI layer to build Widgets; - I can’t find a way to preview the layout before running the code; - The APK generated is heavier compared to an android native application: - My Personal Project - Android Native Version: 6MB - Flutter Version: 39MB (~6,5 times heavier) 29
  11. What are the Advantages of Flutter? (In my opinion) -

    Single code base; - Hot reload is a helpful feature. It is possible to see quickly the differences that you made; - Beautiful UI with minimal effort; - Great performance. 30
  12. How to do it in Flutter? - Unit tests -

    Dependency Injection with Flutter? Is it possible? How to do? - Bitrise integration to CI/CD - Night mode 31
  13. Summary - Overview - What a Flutter Project looks like?

    - Comparing an Android Native Project to the same Flutter Version - Tutorials and References to Learn Flutter
  14. Tutorials and References to Learn • For Android devs: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/flutter-for/android-devs

    • For iOS devs: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/flutter-for/ios-devs • For React Native devs: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/flutter-for/react-native-devs 33
  15. Tutorials and References to Learn • Flutter Gallery: https://gallery.flutter.dev/ •

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwXdFgeE9KYzlDdR7TG9cMw 34