Presentation from GDG DevFest Ukraine 2015 - the biggest Google related event in the country. October 23-24, Lviv. Learn more at
"Developer will be able to give your design team visibility into areas of the design that can either become costly to implement, or present performance challenges for the app."
flow diagram Research other apps Research other apps Screen logic Screen logic Layout & Design Layout & Design Answers question: "How this screen will look like?"
fields changes. Log In button stays disabled until input data is valid. Data validation: Data validation: "as user type" "as user type" Airbnb application
account : accounts) { if (emailPattern.matcher( { String possibleEmail =; } } To pre-fill user data you can use AccountManager 3.
to display when the text is empty. – constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines. – the type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text. (E.g. textPassword, phone, textEmailAddress) android:hint android:singleLine android:inputType
username."); } else if(isPasswordEmpty()) { showToast("Please enter password."); } else if(!isNetworkOn()) { showToast("You don't have internet connection."); } else { doSignIn(); } Note: error message should answer a question "What is wrong?" and in some cases give user a hint how to fix it.
Sign In button 3. Once the loading dialog appears, press system back button 4. Previous action will close the dialog, but won't cancel request 5. After some time you will see result of Sign In request
button 3. Once the loading indicator appears, press Sign Up button 4. Previous action will switch you to Sign Up view, but won't cancel request Tumblr application
Sign In button 3. Once the loading indicator appears, press Sign Up button 4. Previous action will switch you to Sign Up view, but won't cancel request 5. After some time you will see result of Sign In request
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> When you have a sign in screen in your application it doesn’t mean it should be your main launcher screen.
If access token is valid launch Home activity Typical flow Unnecessary delay, because Sign In activity launch every time user open application. Issues Sign In activity if(isAccessTokenValid()) { startHomeActivity(); finish(); } else { initViews(); }
get an application into production without animations, but these little things can be the difference between your app receiving 4 star or 5 star reviews."
animations? animations? "Animations which make usage of your app more interesting and fun are called - "delightful & cute". They bring uniqueness to your application and help user to remember you."
"Flow and design changes very often during development iteration. That's why development of complex, time- consuming animations is usually postponed to the very end, when core application development is completed."
app prototypes that run directly on your iOS or Android device. The process works like this: 1. Make changes to your prototype in Pixate 2. As edits are saved, the Pixate app will generate or refresh the native prototype on your mobile device in real-time
and interact with what you're creating, you'll need to connect your device to Pixate Studio. Detailed tutorial is available on official Pixate . knowledgebase