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Outperforming native platforms with Progressive...

Outperforming native platforms with Progressive Web Application

Way of Zattoo web platform from web site to progressive web application. Explanatory showcase of mobile and desktop applications made on pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Look into native markets delivery.

Bogdan Plieshka

June 25, 2019

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  1. Content pages Page 8 “Wann gibt es diese App über

    ITunes zum herunterladen? Bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden ” “When there is this app on iTunes for download? I am very satisfied so far ” — iOS Safari user 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE
  2. Content pages Page 9 “Finde ich super gemacht. Wann kommt

    das auf der Android TV App?” “I think it's great. When will that be on the Android TV app?” — Mac OS Safari user 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE
  3. 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE “Cool, unbedingt APP Upgrade machen!” “Cool, be

    sure to upgrade APP!” — Android Chrome user “Wann kommen alle Funktionen wie in der App?” “When will all functions come in the app?” — iOS Safari user
  4. Stopped limiting Most of the performance problems in web coming

    from custom implementation instead of using native browser APIs 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 21
  5. So we get low 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 25 01

    Care about low-end devices. Everything that good for sluggish phone good for any high-end device. 02 Forget about desktop or mobile experience. Do web experience. 03 Consistency is a must. Nothing should be introduced without reason. 04 Prevent content jumps, empty screens, do animations 05 Speak to users, receive feedback, iterate on it. 06 Trust your engineers
  6. Size matters Page 28 Why do we need hold megabytes

    of app in our pockets? 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE
  7. Distribution Web is everywhere Native applications are limited by their

    platforms 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 29
  8. From Browser to App 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 30 You

    can find “Add to home screen” button in most of major browsers
  9. Windows Market supports PWA for a long time 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA

    EXCHANGE Page 31 developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/pwa they even have tool for easy publishing pwabuilder.com
  10. Google Play opens for PWA 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 32

    This year Google announced support of Progressive Web Apps in their market as first-class citizens
  11. Apple a bit behind 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 33 Generally

    you can already use PWA in iOS and Mac OS, however it’s not available in App Store yet. More sadly that over last years Safari became new IE.
  12. - Can we replace all native apps with web? -

    No 25.06.2019, TAMEDIA EXCHANGE Page 34 Web & Native serve different purposes, but… - web can compete close enough* - web can fill uncovered platforms without big effort - web can instantly impress, give a sneak-peek into native Don’t limit Web