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Making Modelling "Fun" with GWT by Chris Ainsley

November 15, 2016

Making Modelling "Fun" with GWT by Chris Ainsley

Making Modelling "Fun" with GWT by Chris Ainsley
GWTcon2016 - Firenze 14-15th November 2016


NOTE: This speakerdeck presentation omits some animated screencast gifs, which can be viewed in the original presentations via the google slides link provided above).


November 15, 2016

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  1. Where does it go? The burden of choice Does it

    matter where it goes? I need to talk to expert
  2. Write Parser and more Utilize DSL Toolkit Both non-trivial to

    get working with GWT on client side Or
  3. GWT Compatible Easy to Visually Scan Many Advanced Features Strongly

    Typed Syntax Highlighted Rion Attribute Object Collection
  4. Id Value Id Values Id Multi Line Attribute Value Leading

    & trailing whitespace not significant Attribute Syntax
  5. Id Dictionary Lookup Key Id Value Backslashes interpreted literally in

    this syntax Regular expression syntax Dictionary Syntax
  6. Rion – Conditional Blocks Environment filter Model elements to be

    excluded unless environment filter matches
  7. Tight Integration With Rion Object Orientated Easy to learn Myrion

    Design Considerations Rapid Creation Portable
  8. What is in the metaschema? Class / Interface hierarchy Class

    Members Validation rules Scoping / referential integrity More
  9. Form Item A simple model Gui Form Multiple Choice Text

    Widget Dropdown Radio Buttons Textbox Text Area Date 1 .. n 1 .. n
  10. Creating a schema Package / Domain Defined classes Root class

    / Entry point Entry point class Expected items within class
  11. Summary Enables A New Class Of Applications Can be used

    client side or server side Leverages Strengths of GWT / J2CL So much more