2. Determine the types of barcode you want to scan 3. Getting access to the on device barcode detector 4. Running the detector on the image 5. Extract data from the response
2. Specify the number of labels to return (optional) 3. Get access to the on device or cloud image label detector 4. Run the detector on the image 5. Extract data from the response
2. Specify the facial features you want to detect (optional) 3. Get access to the face detector 4. Run the detector on the image 5. Extract data from the response
are at least 150 images for every type of classification that you plan on doing • Account for real life use cases by adding noise to your dataset • Augment your dataset by scaling, rotating and cropping images
of images (I used 10,000 images for the Pokémon model) • Augment your dataset by scaling, rotating and cropping images • Account for real life use cases by adding noise to your dataset
fun if done right! • Tools and API available make the onboarding process super easy. • For a custom model, having a good dataset should be your primary focus!
Gives you a sneak preview of what all is possible using Tensorflow. • Requires no prior knowledge of Python or Machine Learning https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tensorflow-for-poets/
• Built for Developers with prior Programing experience • Uses Tensorflow to cover the basics of Machine Learning alongwith advance topics https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/
MLKit Codelabs • Short interactive coding tutorials that help you get up to speed on the MLKit APIs https://goo.gl/uPBNpB https://goo.gl/sFueGj https://goo.gl/XwTkoa https://goo.gl/QPstLM
complex Machine Learning models with relative ease. • Provides built in APIs similar to Firebase MLKit with some added APIs like Image and Video Styling. • Also allows you to host and run Custom Tensorflow Lite and Apple’s CoreML models. https://fritz.ai
Play store : https://goo.gl/xukauP Source code on Github : https://github.com/the-dagger/MLKitAndroid Dataset on Kaggle : https://kaggle.com/thedagger/pokemon-generation-one