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A Full Introduction to Python

A Full Introduction to Python

A full introduction to Python World!

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Henoc Díaz

October 19, 2015

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  1. Data Types # Numbers a_integer = 2623 # Up to

    sys.int_info * a_float = 69.89 # Up to sys.float_info * #Booleans of_horse = True nope = False # Binary as_bytes = b'A random text stored as bytes' # Nothing my_money = None @henocdz
  2. Data Types # Sequences a_string = 'Python is Awesome!' #

    Are immutable! a_string_quotes = "Python is love!" a_string_triple = '''Python is life!''' a_list = [1, [2], 1, a_string, 3.67] # Any size, any data type a_tuple = (5, ['z'], 89, ) # Same rules of lists apply, but this are immutable a_tuple_comma = 5, ['z'], 89, # Comma is the element separator a_set = set([1, 1, 4, 1]) # =[1,4] Collection with no duplicate elements @henocdz
  3. Data Types # Dictionaries a_dict = { # Key can

    be any immutable object # (i.e, numbers, strings, tuples) 'some_key': 'some value', 4: 'another value', a_tuple: a_list # Can be a key only if the tuple contains immutable objects } @henocdz
  4. Arithme(c Operators # Addition (+) >>> result = 4 +

    10 14 # Subtraction (-) >>> 2014 - 2015 1 # Multiplication (*) >>> 2 * 10 20 @henocdz
  5. Arithme(c Operators (cont) # Division (/) >>> 10 / 2

    5.0 # Type Float # Floor Division (//) >>> 10 // 2 5 # Type Integer # Modulus (%) >>> 14 % 2 # Exponent (**) >>> 2 ** 2 4 @henocdz
  6. Comparison Operators # Evaluates if two elements are equal >>>

    10 == 10 True # Evaluates if two elements are not equal >>> 10 != 5 True # Evaulates if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand >>> 14 < 2 False # Viceversa >>> 14 > 2 True # >= and <= are also supported @henocdz
  7. Assignment Operators >>> something = 'classic' # You can combine

    any arithmetic operator with (=) operator # like this :) >>> something *= 3 'classicclassicclassic' @henocdz
  8. Membership Operators >>> 5 in [3, 4, 10] False >>>

    5 not in [3, 4, 10] True @henocdz
  9. Condi&onal Statements IF-ELSE some_bool = True # if-else structure >>>

    if some_bool: ... print('Some bool it\'s True!!') >>> else: ... print('Some bool it\'s not True :(') @henocdz
  10. IF-ELSE-IF >>> alumni = True >>> senseis = False >>>

    if alumni and senseis: ... print('We are ready!') >>> elif alumni: ... print('Waiting for senseis...') >>> elif senseis: ... print('Waiting for alumni...') >>> else: ... print('Fuck!') @henocdz
  11. FOR # Iterates over a sequence # (list, tuple, string,

    bytes, bytesarray, etc.) >>> senseis = ('Henoc', 'Gus', 'Sergio', ) >>> for sensei in senseis: ... print(sensei) Henoc Gus Sergio @henocdz
  12. COMMON FOR # range(5) > [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    # range(4, 5) > [4] >>> for i in range(0, 5): ... print(i) 0 1 2 3 4 @henocdz
  13. WHILE # Tests the expression and, if it is true,

    executes the block; # if the expression is false the loop terminates >>> im_awesome = True >>> while im_awesome: ... stay_awesome() @henocdz
  14. BREAK & CONTINUE You can control a loop with 1.

    break: terminates the loop 2. con)nue: ignore the rest of the block and returns to evaluate the expression >>> while True: ... if im_tired: ... break @henocdz
  15. Func%ons >>> def tellme_the_truth(): ... print('May the force be with

    You!') >>> def function_with_params(a_param): ... print(a_param) >>> def function_default_values(a_param, has_default=True): ... """Params with no default value must be defined first""" ... print(a_param, has_default) >>> def give_me_the_year(): ... return 2015 @henocdz
  16. Execu&ng Func&ons >>> tellme_the_truth() May the force be with You!

    >>> function_with_params('A string!') A string! >>> function_default_values('not a number') not a number, True >>> function_default_values('a number', False) a number, False >>> function_default_values('default', has_default=False) default, False >>> give_me_the_year() 2015 @henocdz
  17. Input / Output >>> user_input = input('Tell me your name:

    ') Tell me your name: [[Henoc]] >>> print(user_input, type(user_input)) Henoc <class 'str'> @henocdz
  18. Running Python Script File Create a file and edit it

    with your favorite code editor: $ touch file_name.py $ vim file_name.py # Run the file $ python file_name.py @henocdz
  19. Style guides For example: Don't use Cammel Case with func3on

    or variables, instead you must use snake case i.e, def thiIsWrong(): def this_is_ok(): 1. PEP8 a. h)ps:/ /www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ 2. Google Style Guide b. h)p:/ /google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html @henocdz
  20. [1] List Overlap Take two lists, say for example these

    two: a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Then write a program that returns a list that contains only the elements that are common between the lists (without duplicates). Make sure your program works on two lists of different sizes. @henocdz
  21. [2] Cows and bulls Create a program that will play

    the “cows and bulls” game with the user. The game works like this: Randomly generate a 4-digit number. Ask the user to guess a 4-digit number. For every digit that the user guessed correctly in the correct place, they have a “cow”. For every digit the user guessed correctly in the wrong place is a “bull.” Every Ame the user makes a guess, tell them how many “cows” and “bulls” they have. Once the user guesses the correct number, the game is over. Keep track of the number of guesses the user makes throughout teh game and tell the user at the end. Say the number generated by the computer is 1038. An example interacAon could look like this: Welcome to the Cows and Bulls Game! Enter a number: 1234 2 cows, 0 bulls 1256 1 cow, 1 bull Un#l the user guesses the number. @henocdz
  22. Hints You can use random module to generate pseudo-random numbers

    For example: >>> import random >>> random.randint(1000, 9999) 8756 @henocdz
  23. Modules A file that contains python defini1ons like func1ons, classes

    or variables So, almost any file it's a module, for example: # File name: my_math.py def zum(a, b): return a + b def pow(a, b): return a ** b @henocdz
  24. We can import a module in other modules like this

    # File name: other_file.py >>> import my_math >>> print(my_math.zum(3, 4)) 7 # Just one definition with >>> from my_math import zum >>> print(zum(1, 2)) 2 # Single definition with an alias >>> from my_math import zum as my_sum >>> print(my_zum(12, 12)) 24 @henocdz
  25. Script file vs Module If you pass your module name

    to the interpreter, this is executed as script file, so everything in the module file will be executed as-is. If you don't want that, we can use global variable __name__ for code that should be executed only in script mode; like this: if __name__ = '__main__': print('Running as script file...') Global variable __name__ contains the name of the module, but if the module is executed as an script, this variable contains the string __main__ @henocdz
  26. Packages A folder that contains other packages or module files

    utils/ __init__.py my_math.py ... my_script.py Use __init__.py file to convert a folder into a package @henocdz
  27. And then we can import some module from the u"ls

    package like this: # import definition >>> from utils.my_math import zum >>> zum(a, b) # import module >>> from utils import my_math >>> my_math.zum() @henocdz
  28. Classes Basic class Student(object): """The Doc string, used for documenting

    our class""" # Class attributes skills = [] def __init__(self, belt, skills): # self points to the current instance self.belt = belt self.skills = skills def get_skills(self): # self is required return self.skills @henocdz
  29. Crea%ng instances You can create objects or instances like this

    # New instance >>> dany = Student( ... belt='Red', ... skills=['Python', 'Javascript'] ... ) @henocdz
  30. Accessing a*ributes # Anyone have access to all attributes of

    a class or object >>> dany.skills ['Python', 'Javascript'] >>> dany.belt 'Red' # We can modify class attributes >>> Student.skills [] @henocdz
  31. Inheritance class A(object): def some_method(self): print('something') class B(A): def some_method(self):

    print('I\'m the class `B :)') super(B, self).some_method() # Basic Inheritance is from left to right class C(A, B): pass Super-pro algorithm for inheritance: h4ps://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/ @henocdz
  32. Magic Methods Like __init__ You can use this magic methods

    to override operators behavior, i.e., class Student(object): ... def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): skills = self.get_skills() + other.get_skills() belt = self.belt + other.belt return Student(belt, skills) @henocdz
  33. String forma,ng The correct way for concatena.on and prin.ng strings

    combined with other object types # Simple way "I like to {}".format('code') # Simple way 2 "I {1} to {0}".format('code', 'like') # 'Complex' way "I {verb} to {what}".format(what='code', verb='like') @henocdz
  34. Virtual Environment Isolated Python environments Imagine that you have two

    applica3ons and both depends on MyPackage, but the first one requires version 1 of MyPackage and the later one requires version 2 of MyPackage. The solu)on for that is a virtual environment. In Python 3 you can do so with this command: # pyvenv command it's installed when you install Python3 $ pyvenv ENV_DIR ENV_DIR is the folder where our virtualenv will be installed. @henocdz
  35. Older versions For older versions of python i.e <2.7.x you

    must install virtualenv package in order to work with Virtual Environments and the create it, like this: # Install virtualenv package $ pip install virtualenv # Create a virtualenv $ virtualenv ENV_DIR @henocdz