style: mapbox://styles/hfu/cko4dv10v14vl17qyl9ah457o chapters: - title: UNRSCE description: the United Nations Regional Service Centre Entebbe hash: 17.71/0.048686/32.455944/0/74 footer: >- <p>This project is a part of <a href=''>Adopt Geodata project</a>.</p> 49 This format is called YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language).
</head> <body> <script type="text/yaml"> accessToken: pk.eyJ1IjoiaGZ1...UTAifQ.rTx380smyvPc1gUfZv1cmw title: The world of United Nations Missions style: mapbox://styles/hfu/cko4dv10v14vl17qyl9ah457o chapters: - title: UNRSCE description: the United Nations Regional Service Centre Entebbe hash: 17.71/0.048686/32.455944/0/74 footer: >- This project is a part of Adopt Geodata project. </script> </body> </html> 50