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Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interacti...

Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores

Jaime Arias Almeida

June 25, 2015

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  1. Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores Jaime Arias,

    Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Carlos Olarte, and Camilo Rueda Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) Université de Bordeaux 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2015) United Kingdom, June 2015 1 
  2. Motivation Interactive Multimedia Scenarios • Interactive Scores† (IS) is a

    formalism for composing and interpreting interactive multimedia scenarios. • Some applications of IS: ◦ Live performances ◦ Museum installations ◦ Plastic art installations †A. Allombert. Aspects Temporels d’un Système de Partitions Musicales Interactives pour la Composition et l’Exécution. PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux, 2009 Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 1/13 1/13
  3. Motivation Interactive Multimedia Scenarios • Currently, IS is implemented in

    the software i-score†. • A Hierarchical Time Stream Petri Net (HTSPN) model represents and executes the partially ordered set of events. †Website: http://www.i-score.org/ Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 2/13 2/13
  4. Motivation Interactive Multimedia Scenarios • Some applications demand two features

    that are not supported by the IS model†: ◦ Flexible control structures such as conditionals. ◦ Automatic verification of scenarios in order to avoid abnormal behaviors. • The specification of some behaviors could be cumbersome due to the horizontal time-line of i-score. †T. De la Hogue, P. Baltazar, M. Desainte-Catherine, J. Chao, and C. Bossut. OSSIA : Open Scenario System for Interactive Applications. In Journées d’Informatique Musicale, pages 78–84, Bourges, 2014 Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 3/13 3/13
  5. This talk is about … ReactiveIS: a programming language for

    the specification and execution of interactive multimedia scenarios endowed with a tree-based operational semantics and a declarative interpretation in intuitionistic linear logic. Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 4/13 4/13
  6. ReactiveIS Syntax ⟨score⟩ ::= ⟨structure⟩ ⟨texture⟩ ::= texture(⟨params⟩ ⟨msg⟩ ⟨msg⟩)

    ⟨structure⟩ ::= structure(⟨params⟩ ⟨TO-list⟩) ⟨params⟩ ::= ⟨name⟩ ⟨condition⟩ ⟨condition⟩ ⟨TO-event⟩ ::= start ⟨name⟩ | end ⟨name⟩ ⟨condition⟩ ::= wait(⟨TO-event⟩ ⟨min⟩ ⟨max⟩) | event ⟨msg⟩ | (⟨condition⟩ ∧ ⟨condition⟩) | (⟨condition⟩ ∨ ⟨condition⟩) time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Texture B Texture A Structure C Structure D Texture E Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 5/13 5/13
  7. ReactiveIS Syntax ... Structure C = { start.c = (Wait(End(A),5,5)

    & Wait(End(B),3,3)); stop.c = (Wait(End(D),0,INF) & Wait(End(E),0,INF)); Texture D = { start.c = ((Wait(Start(C),2,5) & Event("/mouse 1")) | Wait(Start(C),5,5)); stop.c = Wait(Start(D),1,1); start.msg = "/sound/1 on"; stop.msg = "/sound/1 off"; }; ... }; time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Texture B Texture A Structure C Structure D Texture E Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 6/13 6/13
  8. ReactiveIS Program Tree start: stop: True EndScenario Conditionals start: stop:

    WaitFromEnd(A,5,5) ∧ WaitFromEnd(B,3,3) WaitFromEnd(C.D,0,∞) ∧ WaitFromEnd(C.E,0,∞) Conditionals C start: stop: WaitFromStart(C,1,1) WaitFromStart(C.E,2,2) Conditionals Messages start: stop: /sound/2 on /sound/2 off E B A D Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 7/13 7/13
  9. ReactiveIS State Tree start: stop: 0 ⊥ Times Arias, Desainte-Catherine,

    Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 8/13 8/13
  10. ReactiveIS State Tree start: stop: 0 ⊥ Times start: stop:

    1 3 Times A Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 8/13 8/13
  11. ReactiveIS State Tree start: stop: 0 ⊥ Times start: stop:

    3 5 Times B start: stop: 1 3 Times A Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 8/13 8/13
  12. ReactiveIS State Tree start: stop: 0 ⊥ Times start: stop:

    3 5 Times B start: stop: 1 3 Times A start: stop: 8 ⊥ Times C start(S,C,8) Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 8/13 8/13
  13. ReactiveIS State Tree start: stop: 0 ⊥ Times start: stop:

    3 5 Times B start: stop: 1 3 Times A start: stop: 8 14 Times C stop(S,C,14) Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 8/13 8/13
  14. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTART p ∈ canStart(S, P) ⟨P, S,

    I, t⟩ |= cs(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨start(St, p, t), O ∪ {ms(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) RSTOP p ∈ canStop(S) ⟨P, S, I, t⟩ |= ce(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨stop(St, p, t), O ∪ {me(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) RTIME ⟨S, ∅⟩I,t S −→∗ P ⟨S′, O⟩I,t S ̸ −→P ⟨S, t⟩ I,O =⇒P ⟨S′, t + 1⟩ Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  15. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTART p ∈ canStart(S, P) ⟨P, S,

    I, t⟩ |= cs(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨start(St, p, t), O ∪ {ms(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) palive(S) = {p | p ∈ L(S) ∧ te(targetS (p)) = ⊥} 0 ⊥ 8 ⊥ 3 5 1 3 C A B palive (S) Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  16. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTART p ∈ canStart(S, P) ⟨P, S,

    I, t⟩ |= cs(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨start(St, p, t), O ∪ {ms(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) palive(S) = {p | p ∈ L(S) ∧ te(targetS (p)) = ⊥} canStart(P, S) △ = {p | pparent ∈ palive(S) ∧ p ∈ Children(pparent )} \ L(S) C A B E D canStart(P, S) 0 ⊥ 8 ⊥ 3 5 1 3 C A B palive (S) Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  17. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTART p ∈ canStart(S, P) ⟨P, S,

    I, t⟩ |= cs(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨start(St, p, t), O ∪ {ms(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) cs (targetP (C.E)) = WaitFromStart(C, 1, 1) ⟨P, S, I, t⟩ | = WaitFromStart(p, t1, t2) iff ∃n · n ∈ V (S) ∧ n = targetS (p) ∧ t1 ≤ t − ts (n) ≤ t2 0 ⊥ 8 ⊥ 3 5 1 3 C A B t = 9 Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  18. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTOP p ∈ canStop(S) ⟨P, S, I,

    t⟩ |= ce(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨stop(St, p, t), O ∪ {me(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) canStop(S) △ = {p | p ∈ L(S) ∧ te(targetS (p)) = ⊥} = palive(S) Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  19. ReactiveIS Operational Semantics RSTART p ∈ canStart(S, P) ⟨P, S,

    I, t⟩ |= cs(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨start(St, p, t), O ∪ {ms(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) RSTOP p ∈ canStop(S) ⟨P, S, I, t⟩ |= ce(n) ⟨St, O⟩I,t S −→P ⟨stop(St, p, t), O ∪ {me(n)}⟩I,t S where n = targetP(p) RTIME ⟨S, ∅⟩I,t S −→∗ P ⟨S′, O⟩I,t S ̸ −→P ⟨S, t⟩ I,O =⇒P ⟨S′, t + 1⟩ Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 9/13 9/13
  20. Logical Characterization Subexponentials in Linear Logic (SELL) Girard’s Linear Logic†:

    Formulas are seen as resources, e.g, c ⊗ c ̸−→ c. Subexponentials: meanings for !aF • “F holds in location a” (e.g., in a given structure) • “F holds with certain modality a” (e.g., in a time-unit t). • Subexp. are ordered in a poset. • The ordering determines the provability relation, e.g.,: !aF −→!bF iff b ⪯ a • We then have a better control of resources in proofs. 0+ 0 1+ 1 2+ 2 3+ 3 … where t is defined as t TI t.i t.o t.s.scenario t.s.A t.s.B t.s.C t.s.D t.s.E t.p TP †J. Girard. Linear logic. Theor. Comput. Sci., 50:1–102, 1987 Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 10/13 10/13
  21. Logical Characterization Declarative Meaning of ReactiveIS programs We defined an

    encoding from ReactiveIS programs into SELL formulas. Adequacy P reaches a state s iff the sequent [[P]] −→ [[s]] is provable in SELL. This opens the possibility of reasoning about IS by using well established techniques in proof theory! We can verify properties such as: • Is it possible for the structure A and B to be played concurrently ? • Is the execution of A always preceded by an execution of B ? • Will all the structures be eventually played ? Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 11/13 11/13
  22. Concluding Remarks Summary • We presented a new programming language

    for the specification, verification and interpretation of interactive scores. • ReactiveIS extends the full capacity of temporal organization of IS and also it allows the specification of conditionals. • The operational semantics based on labelled trees are simpler and more intuitive than the current model in HTSPN of i-score. • We presented a declarative interpretation of ReactiveIS programs as formulas in ILL with subexponentials that is adequate. Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 12/13 12/13
  23. Concluding Remarks Future work • Coq for proving the correcteness

    of the semantics. • Front-end for the specification of properties. • Extension for loops. Arias, Desainte-Catherine, Olarte, and Rueda (LaBRI) Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores 13/13 13/13
  24. Foundations for Reliable and Flexible Interactive Multimedia Scores Jaime Arias,

    Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Carlos Olarte, and Camilo Rueda Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) Université de Bordeaux 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2015) United Kingdom, June 2015 1 
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